He's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

She's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

He is Growing

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Sunday, March 31, 2013


This year the kids got Sunday cloths for Easter.  I love the little outfits, they are very springy and bright.

My parents had an Easter egg hunt and dinner.  We had the opportunity to see and visit with a lot of cousins and other family.

The kids were super cute.  They seemed to have lots of fun.

I love Easter, the eggs and the bunny are fun, but I love any day that helps me reflect on our Savior Jesus Christ and all that he has done for all of us.  Plus, family time reminds me of just how many blessings I have.  I am so grateful families are forever.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Cute Little Boy

Drake has this new thing where he grabs your finger and pulls to try and get you to follow him.  He grabs my hand today, just to lead me to the tub.  I said, you want to take a bath? He immediately started to climb into the tub with his clothes on.  I said, well we have to turn on the water.  He then hits the knob and says "come on, work, come on".  I am unsure of where he hears come on, but he uses it frequently.

Well, he is also a bit of a clean freak.  Not that I am complaining, but he gets upset when he is dirty.  He will whine and say gross or eww.  The other day, I was doing dishes and I tend to leave a puddle by the sink from splashing.  He stepped in this puddle and kept saying "wet, mom wet"!  He was very upset.  He said sock off, wet.  I had to change his socks.  He has also started making me change his socks if they look dirty or dingy on the bottom.  The best fix for this is to just make sure he has shoes on because it becomes monotonous changing his socks 4 times a day.  It isn't just his socks, when he gets his shirt dirty, that happens every time he eats or drinks, he keeps saying eww wet, until I change him, or let him run naked.

Part of me believes all he wants is to be naked  so he can run wild :)  What can I say, I love his cuteness.  And I wouldn't mind a person in my house who is on the cleaner side.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Spring Break, Mini Vacation (lots of words)

I want to shout out to my awesome family who watched my kids while my husband and I played a little.  You guys are great, thanks again.  Since our honeymoon three years and 4 months ago, we have not stayed in a hotel since or really taken a vacation at all.  I always feel bad leaving the kids and this was no exception, I am glad it was only a night, for my own sake.  The kids didn't seem to miss their parents at all.  I think Kade and I have traveled 4 times to Utah since being married, our honeymoon, a trip to a wedding, my surprise appendectomy, and this little vacation.  We have so much fun at home, we seldom have a reason to travel.

We also hate traveling because something bad always happens, like car problems.  We were lucky this trip, other then a Jeep moved into our lane while we were trying to pass.  My heart skipped and I thought we for sure were going to have an accident.  We were watched over.

I was excited, we had airline miles to use, so we got a free hotel stay! I wanted to see my bestie Suzi one last time before she had her baby, and maybe take some maternity pictures.  We arrived in Utah and I couldn't get a hold of her.  I called and texted.  I was like, did she forget I was coming?  Then Joe texted me, he said "I saw you called and thought I would let you know we are having a baby."  OH, OKAY!  He said he would let us know when he was born..so Kade and I unexpectedly had a bunch of free time in Utah.  Boring us went to dinner and a movie.  LOL, we went to Utah just for a date.  It was awesome, we went swimming twice, and slept on a super comfy bed.  It was great spending so much time with Kade.

Sunday I met the little Daniel.  He is so sweet and looks like his dad. I wish I could have spent more time with Suzi, but everything worked out as it should.

Congratulations Suzi and Joe, you will be a wonderful parents. Love ya Suzi Q.

I was so happy to have a little time away, I feel great.  But I was homesick for my kids and I am glad we are home.  And an added bonus, we had some people look at the house we are living in while we were gone, so we really cleaned up before we left.  Our house feels so good and looks so good when it is clean :)
going to an IMAX movie

going to meet Daniel

pretty Suzi and Daniel Thomas 

Headed to the Pool

Lots of driving

The rest are from when we got to grandma's house to pick up kids.

Addy lined up the Pooh bears and was hanging out with them.

Drake with the cows

My dad took us out to the cows, he is having lots of calves born right now.  He had a set of twins born that passed away, one was born with only part of a skeleton.  It was only his limbs, hips and the bottom part of his spine that didn't have bone.  He was like a big bunch of fur, pretty sure it was the strangest thing I have ever seen. 

Friday, March 22, 2013

Addyson 15 Month Check

Addyson had a well child checkup, and she needed more shots.  But we found she had a double ear infection, the doctor was so shocked that I didn't know.  SORRY, my kids are just awesomely never cranky.  Okay, she had been cranky, but she is cutting her last 4 teeth right now.  All four of her canine teeth are popping through, last year Drake was just barley getting teeth and wasn't even walking.  CRAZY.

Anyway, we have to go back in to get shots later.  Most of the time we just give them shots anyway, even when they are sick, but today the Doc didn't want to.  So fine, I will drive back in to town in a week or so.

  She weighed in at 21 pounds 9 ounces.  She is 31 inches tall.  They didn't write down her head, but it is plenty big.

Addyson is so tall and slender, wearing 12-18 month clothes, even though they fall off her waist.  She can wear smaller shirts, but those legs just go on and on.

She of course is an awesome walker now, and she goes up and down stairs. She loves food, and is a great eater, there isn't anything she wont eat.  That also is a negative, because I find her chewing on all sorts of things.  I even found a small wrapper in her diaper the other day.  She is such a good sleeper, she sleeps about 8-10 hrs a night with a long 2-3 hour nap every day.  If she doesn't get her nap, she falls asleep anyway.

She loves baby dolls, she holds them and kisses them.  And if she sees babies at church or when I watch kids she wants to hold them and kiss them.

My Addy baby, is talking like mad.  She babbles a ton and loves to sing and scream.  She says no, mama, dada, yummy, bottle, please, up, down, gogo (for four wheeler), doggy, she barks, Drake, and mimics almost any word you say.  Her grandmother tried to get her to say spaghetti, well I guess I shouldn't tell people she mimics every word.  She also likes to point and grunt to things she wants.

She does this thing where she will find a piece of clothing and wrap it around her neck like a scarf.  She is really trying to put the cloths on, but has no idea how. So I find she picks out cloths in her room and tries to put them on.

I would really love to do a photo shoot with both my kids, since they have changed so much.  They are so active and wont look at me that I have to have help...and getting  Kade to help with pictures is a chore.  He is no fan either of the camera.  So maybe I will stop making excuses and do it one of these days.

her headband with black hair attached mahaha.

her favorite, not looking at the camera

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Use your words.

I tell Drake quite often, use your words, when he whines or makes noises and points.  He has become quite easy to understand, and when he is upset, I love that he can speak to me about what is bugging him.  Today, he bit me and I slapped his hand and told him no!  He immediately started crying he said, "mommy that's not nice"!  He has picked up on a lot and I am impressed by some of the sentences he uses.  He is a very fast talker and if he would slow down maybe we all would know what he is saying. :)
This weekend I took some pictures of the temple.  He saw them on the computer and said temple.  I know we sing the song and we have pictures in our home, but I didn't know he knew what the temple was.

He is smart enough to sing the first half of the ABC's but some of the letters are not right :)  One day he will let me record him singing.  He loves row, row, your boat and old McDonald and will start to sing these for no reason.
Drake showing off his dollar dragon hat...I love sales

I must not be great at updating what my kids are doing, because people are still surprised when they see miss Addyson walking.  She has been doing this since 11 months, fully walking all the time around 13.   She is almost as big as Drake.  They both are wearing around 12-18 month clothing.  She is not a talker, Drake was saying all sorts of things by now.  She is more quiet and has a look that could kill...she doesn't get that from me.  She has a mind and a will of her own, in some ways she acts more grown up then her brother.
Addy's is a lamb, and she looks so cute.  You have to put mittens on her to keep her from ripping it off her head.

My kids, they can bring me to tears some days by just looking at them.  How did I get so lucky?  I really need to count my own blessings more often, instead of other peoples.

Watching TV, wearing green, St Patty's day.

Sleeping with his boots on.  He loves his boots.  I often find he put them on himself on the wrong feet. Sometimes it is just his boots and a diaper...I need a picture of that I guess.

Drakes FAVORITE.  He loves the four-wheeler.  Do you like our multi-colored creation?
Kade is handy :)

Friday, March 15, 2013

Late nights!

I love night time.  I love when my kids are in bed and I can cuddle and eat treats with Kade.  I love, love, love my babies but I spend all day with the young ones.  When Kade gets home all I wanna do is soak up our limited time.  He is more of a turn in early type, unless it is a Saturday night.  I end up spending at most 4 hours a day with the love of my life.

Anyway, I love my alone time.  I watch what I want, do a tiny bit of homework, and play on the internet...what a time suck.  Although, I am always wasting my time, lately I haven't kept up on the blog.  SAD!  But I do always manage to stay up way to long.  I don't want to go to sleep, I want to have fun.

Most days, I feel like my life is on hold. I keep waiting to figure out where we are going to be living in a few months and nothing seems to be working out.  The large home we are in, was just a winter thing and now we are trying to find out what to do next.  Sometimes I wish life was a little easier.  Sure, I learn a lot, but I think it is time for my emotional vacation.  Can I have it easy for a while?  Okay, I will stop this whining, but I hate being in LIMBO!  Part of the problem is there is a small rent selection and everything is super expensive.  :(

I am called to be the relief society chorister, yeah no idea what I am doing.  But thanks to seminary and some choir classes, I am a good faker.

Anyway, on Sunday the 3rd we were at my parents and our cute dog Roxy ran off.  We couldn't find her.  I was super bummed.  A week later I finally got a call that she was safe and sound, she is on my feet right now :)  I was so glad that prayer was answered.

Today marks Kade being at his current job for 9 months (almost a record), and I am proud and pleased with him.  He works hard and provides for our family, what a blessing he is.

He hates when I take pictures of him.  What a handsome man!

Addyson at the park.  She found puddles and was soaked but we had fun.

The rest are from Grandma Kunz's house 

VERY orange sunset

Tractor RIDE 

Kade and Drake.  I can never get them to both look at me at the same time.

This last picture is of Kade's newest car.  A 74 nova...he thinks it is a cool car.  He told me they are hard to find, but to me it is just another car.  It is funny that we are both into hobbies but I don't care  to know about his projects (I don't understand cars)  and he feels the same way about mine (he doesn't enjoy girly crafts).  This picture makes it look way more yellow then it is.