He's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

She's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

He is Growing

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Breech Baby

I am now going to the midwife every week. With Thanksgiving last week, I didn't make it into see her. Two weeks ago baby was head down but her head wasn't engaged. Today when we went in baby had flipped and she is butt down. My midwife seemed really relaxed about it, but I am terrified about the whole thing. Pretty much, I will go in next week, if the baby is flipped I get to go along with my pregnancy. If the baby is still breech, they are going to schedule me to have her flipped (inversion) and will then start me right after. If I end up going into labor before next week, I will be the lucky winner of a c-section.

Good news, they did an ultrasound to confirm where the baby was positioned, I have a great water level. This means she has a lot of water to move around. If she doesn't go head down by herself then it will be very easy to turn her. If they do turn her there is a 50 percent chance she wont stay head down, so I may end up having a c-section even if they flip her and start me.

I am okay with whatever happens as long as it is safe for that little Bingham baby. I am not thrilled with 2 of the three scenarios, but if she is stubborn and wont flip I really won't have much of a choice. I know things will work out the way they should, but I am scared!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving and a small update

I am very grateful for the amazing blessings I have. I am truly blessed with more than I can appreciate. The other day I was worried about finances. You know, with the holidays already here, it gets expensive. Kade helped me remember what is really important and how much we already have. Kade told me "Stephanie, we have everything we need, we have each other, our cute little boy, and this perfect little one on the way." Food is nice, a home is great, but I could not possibly live without my family. I am a really lucky girl, my father in heaven is very gracious.

We were able to spend yesterday with the Bingham side of the family. Adam, Kade's brother that we hardly see, came down from med school. It was great to visit with the family, especially those you don't see very often.

On another note, yesterday I tried to dress my family to match one another so we could take family pictures before I pop. I was pleased with the way they turned out. I didn't get as many as I would have liked, but that is okay, our family will need an updated picture soon. ;D

This is a good one of my profile. Getting big 37 weeks.

This is a pretty good one, you can't see my prego belly.

Grumpy Drake

A cute one of Kade and me

Drake wouldn't look

My favorite

Drake has grown so much. He has been sick for three or four days now. We went into the Dr. the day before thanksgiving. He weighs 18 lbs 15 oz. he is really getting heavy. Poor boy has another ear infection.

I had a midwife appointment last week. Nothing new has changed except my weight. I was checked for group B strep, everything looks good. It is now a waiting game, of about 3 more weeks.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

2 Years ago

I married the most amazing man. I am so grateful for Kade. He is the best dad in the world and and the sweetest husband. I still cannot believe that I was so blessed to get to have him for the rest of eternity. 2 years down, eternity to go.

Today was our anniversary and he made me an amazing meal. And because it is the Sabbath we decided not to go out tonight. I am sure he will make up for it tomorrow.

We have been married two years and have done so much already. I am so excited to see what the future has in store for us.

I love you Mr. Kade, thanks for all you do.

Monday, November 14, 2011

A Quick Catch Up

HA! I have less then thirty days to go before baby number two is here.

So much has happened and I really cannot keep up. In fact I should be doing homework but just can't stand to think about it right now.

I feel like a chicken with my head cut off, just running around in no real direction! I have an appointment with my midwife this Thursday, not excited. I am getting checked for group B strep.

I am excited for classes to be done this week, then I have a week and a half of freedom! YAY!

I am starting to hate school. I am getting so it is so uncomfortable to sit in a chair during class. Plus my belly pushes me so far back in the chair that I can hardly write notes. Yes, even the tall girls tend to get uncomfortable. I want my girl to be healthy so she can stay in there longer I guess, but I am still anxious to see her.

Kade has a job interview with the airport on Wednesday, I am hoping it goes well.

My husband is so sweet. When I got done with work Saturday I came out to my car to find these.
And he wrote me a love note :D

He is always so sweet, leaving me presents and doing things I don't want to. I love you Kade. I told him that he should have waited a week for our anniversary, but he told me he wanted to surprise me.

Brad and Nikki, the couple that lived with us for over 8 months had their baby on 11/11/11. I have never been more baby hungry in my life then when I held their little Braelie. It just made me realize that I still have a whole month left, and it really isn't fair.

Anyway, can't think of anything else right now. I know I should have a 30 week pic up, but I am getting lazy here at the end. So you will have to see me at 36 weeks. Then 40 if I make it that far.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Nikki and Braelie

Today Nikki (our former live in) had her shower.  I just wanted to show what I made for her.
Purchased the onesie and made the tutu :D I thought it was so cute

Braelie's welcome to the world basket...fun stuff I will give them at the hospital.

This picture was taken in September when Nikki had her birthday.  This is the shirt I painted, I thought it turned out cute!  I had to sneak a picture though :D  She doesn't have much of a belly for 7 months