He's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

She's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

He is Growing

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

4 Generations

Four generations of Bingham Boys :D

Grandparents, Great Grandparents

I love taking pictures. Here is Drake with all his grandparents and great grandparents
(that are still living).

Great Grandpa Lynn Meltcalf
He is one of the funniest old men I have ever met.

Great Grandma Velma Meltcalf
Such a fun and crafty lady.

Great Grandam Beverly Pincock The sweetest lady alive Little Drake missed meeting Grandpa Pincock by almost a month, he passed on Nov 5th, Drake was born Dec 6th. Maybe the hung out a little in heaven. :D

Great Grandma Jerry and Great Grandpa Lloyd Bingham
They are so much fun, they are so young (in spirit) :D

Great Grandma Betty and Great Grandpa Keith Kunz
My cowboy grandpa, that loves to tease and always making you laugh.
They are SO SO MUCH FUN, and have big hearts.

Grandpa Craig and Grandma Patti Bingham
When we are at their house, if I am not feeding Drake,
I don't get to hold him, because these two wont let go. :D

My daddy, Grandpa Kim Kunz.
One of the greatest men I know

Last but not least Grandma Tresa Kunz
Not a great picture, but she is an awesome grandma

Head update

So last Monday we went to the doctor for a two week check up. Drake has a very large cephalohematoma, basically it is a large blood blister on his head. The doctor said it was from Drake hitting my pelvis so much during pregnancy. Drake was really low when I was pregnant with him, so he hit his head over and over again. When he was born he had a large purple bruise, then it started to swell. At its largest, it was a handful, the size of a medium orange. It was pretty big. The doctor said it was the largest one he had seen in years, he also informed me that it could take a year for it to go away. He also said there could be a permanent piece of bone that could form over the cephalohematoma so that he would have a big bump on his head the rest of his life.

So I was really worried, I didn't want my little boy having a big bump forever. So we prayed about it, and Kade gave him a blessing. Now that Drake is three weeks old, it is almost completely gone. It is still squishy, because there is still some blood pooled, but no one would even notice. YAY

Here are some pictures so you can see how bad it was, he looked like an alien from the side. These pictures don't do the bump justice, it looked so much worse in real life.

Good news, my baby is growing well. When he was born he was 8 pounds 1 ounce, and 20.5 inches long. A week ago he was 8 pounds 6 ounces, and 21 inches long...I think he is longer, they don't stretch him out all the way.

All is good, I am exhausted though.

new appreciation

I have heard many times over that I would have a new appreciation for my mother once I was a mother, and it is completely true. Looking back at all the horrible things I put my parents through, I can't believe I ever acted that way. My mother-in-law jokes about how I am already getting my payback, when Kade and I dated we would always get in really late, 2, 3 in the morning. She jokes around because Drake keeps us up till 2, 3 in the morning, she tells him he is a good boy, and giggles.

As I have been getting use to a newborn, I don't have time for anything else. I am not sure how moms with other kids have time for them. I feel as though I am constantly feeding Drake, he is almost always needing something. My house is a disaster. I have no time for dishes, let alone the energy. If Drake is sleeping, than I am trying to sleep. So all you mothers out there, you amaze me. It is a full time, hard time, job.

I am hoping I get the hang of this sooner than later.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas

We for sure had a great Christmas this year. Even if I was rushing to finish presents Christmas Eve. One I was done with presents (I wish I would have taken pictures of all of them) we made our way to Blackfoot for fun times with my family. We made pizza (Christmas Eve tradition) and enjoyed each others company. My favorite part was when we watched Despicable Me, the cute little ones were laughing and quoting the whole time. It was GRAND. Ean proposed to his girl friend Makel, that was another highlight of the night. We did present exchange since we wouldn't be there Christmas morning, then we left around 12:30am.

We got to Terreton around 2 because we hadn't packed yet. When we got there Kade's parents were also awake. They were wrapping presents, and finishing making presents. This made me feel less bad about my own procrastination.

We saw a lot of family for Christmas, and it was awesome.  I am so glad we have Drake, he is the best present one could ask for.  Having him close to Christmas has mad it hard to get things done though, I just wanna cuddle him.
Family pic at Grandma Kunz's

We missed getting to sit on santa because I was feeding Drake, but we got a picture of
G&G Kunz with Santa.

Made this for Annie

4 Generations

My mom and dad with Drake

Tiny baby cloths

Great Grandpa Metcalf

Great Grandma Metcalf

Great Grandma and Grandpa Bingham

Christmas family picture

Grandma Bingham Christmas Tree

The boys

Drake so little

Monday, December 13, 2010

A First time for Everything

It was inevitable. I was told it would happen. I just didn't know how cute I would think it was. My little boy aimed and got me right in the face. Not only did he soak me, but he was laying in a puddle himself when he was done. Yup, little Drake has officially peed on his mama. And what makes it worse is that I think it's cute and I wrote a blog about it. I sure love my little guy.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Birth Day!!!

So after all my complaining and whining, our little boy decided to arrive. I will get back to the birth story and all the wonders of delivery a little later. But for now, just know everything went great and we are back home.

Drake Rhett Bingham is the name that we chose for him. We had no intention of naming him this for the whole 9 months but we think it fits him.

Drake weighed 8 pounds 1 ounce when he was born, but now he is down to 7 pounds 8 ounces. So he lost a little of that baby fat. I hope he gains it back quick. He was 20.5 inches long, and was born December 6 at 7:22 am. We love him so much and I can't believe Heavenly Father is allowing me to take care of something SO SO perfect.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Due Date

Yesterday, December 3rd was my due date. It came and went with no baby. I went to a friends house to pass the time. We decorated her tree, and made Christmas cookies. It helped keep me busy. The days go by slow because I have so much time and not much to do.

Last night I was having regular, non painful contractions. They didn't progress, so another letdown. I know I rather have him healthy and late than him early and sick. It is hard not to complain though because I have been looking forward to December 3rd for 9 months and now it has come and gone. So everyday is more painfully slower than the day before. I just wanna have my baby.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Maternity leave

So a few weeks ago I found out that instead of getting 12 weeks off of work, like I thought, I was only getting 6. I was pretty upset, but then again I am not 100% sure I will even go back. Today was the start of my leave. To tell you the truth I am already going CRAZY! There is so much to get done, yet nothing seems to ever be done. I wish I knew when little Bingham was coming, that I think is the worst part. I keep thinking that I am in labor, or that it will be today. Every day I go to bed a little sad. I know everything is about to change, and I am so excited for it to! Waiting is the worst.

I was at the doctor on Monday, nothing has changed. I was sure I would be more dilated or something. No such luck. He told me that next week we will talk about when and if he will induce labor. He informed me that he doesn't like going over more than 8 days...so I am hoping the baby will make his appearance soon.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

O christmas tree

Yes, our PINK tree. I LOVE IT! That's just me. Kade is so wonderful, he doesn't care a BIT.

Thanksgiving Weekend

I have had an interesting/busy week. I was scheduled to work Tuesday, and even though it was blizzard outside I drove to work. Kade had told me he wanted to drive me, but I thought it's just snow. Well on the way to work I drove through so many drifts that I almost got stuck 3 different times! So after working 2 hours the branch got closed down due to roads being closed. Even the mall closed early that day. I called Kade, his work was closed because the server went down, and waited for him to pick me up. I was not going to attempt to drive in that weather again. It was a total whiteout (scary).

I ended up working the next day though, and it was busy due to being closed the day before. After work that day Kade and I went and watched Harry Potter with some friends and had a great night out. We went up to Terreton that night, we drove below 50 MPH the whole way because the roads were so terrible.


We had a very busy day on Thanksgiving. Around 5 am I woke up and was super sick. I couldn't sleep and was very miserable. I asked for a blessing and was able to fall right asleep and I have felt great since.
We ended up eating tons of food at Kade's parents house. After hanging out there for a while we headed down to Blackfoot to be with my family. In Blackfoot my family played some basketball and ate pie. Kade and I ended up going and having a meeting with my doula and learning how to prepare more for the upcoming baby. We then traveled home, we both had to work the next day.
It was a great day for FAMILY!

On Black Friday I went to work, it was SO slow. The branch ended up sending me home around 2. It was a funny week. I have never gotten to go home early, and it happened twice in one week. So I met up with my sister-in-law Shyla and mother-in-law and we went black friday shopping. I had a lot of fun, and I didn't spend very much :D

Yesterday we went tree hunting. And got ourselves a beautiful tree. And I plan on putting it up today! Yeah, for Christmas decorating.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Christmas Tree Hunting

I am SO excited for Christmas this year. It will be our 2nd Christmas being married, and our first with baby Bingham.

Last year Kade went Christmas Tree Hunting without me. I had to work. :( This year was different. He had me come along, even being 9 months pregnant. We went with his sister and her 5 kids. We got stuck, didn't get done till dark, what an adventure.

I even got out of the pickup and went trudging up the hill with everyone. Look at the big ol' hill we climbed.

I didn't end up going the whole way up, or picking out the tree. Kade did a great job. He picked out a great one, chopped it down, and drug it down the hill. WHAT A MAN! It was a work out for me, very cold, but a wonderful experience.

After being out in the cold, we enjoyed some hot chocolate. Shyla thinks of EVERYTHING!

We had the pleasure of having Kaitlyn *Kades oldest niece* ride with us. IT WAS SUPER FUN!

After we went over to Shyla and Tony's for some dinner. Kades parents ended up joining the fun as well. By the end of the night everyone had had fun and we were all POOPED!

CUTE little Emma :D

Monday, November 22, 2010

38 Weeks

Every single day I think to myself "this could be the day". This could be my little ones birthday. And every single day, I get a little more discouraged. I know, I know it's not even my due date yet. I just feel like it's almost time. Plus all the signs that labor is near has happened. I am always having braxton hicks these days, which I hate, only because they are not REAL contractions :( And I sit and time them and hope they will turn into the real thing. Okay, I am done ranting. I went into the Doctor again, and not much has changed. A little bit has though. At least I'm progressing. I am now 50% effaced, and he said about 1 1/2 cm dilated. So at least I have changed since last week. I have gained a total of 37 pounds, which seems like too much. Anyway that is this weeks update. He told me he would see me next Monday, which seemed to me like he wasn't expecting me to go into labor yet....but we will see.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


So Kade and I spent most of the day with other people. I had a baby shower and he worked on the house. When we finally got to be alone, Kade decided to take me to dinner. We went to wingers. I really like that place, plus it's cheap enough that we can afford a nice filling meal. We really enjoyed each others company. I love going on dates with him, we try to go once a week, they are wonderful.

When we got home we ate some of the top tier of our wedding cake (tradition). I thought it would be gross, because most everyone I talk to said so. But it tasted fresh, and was so yummy. It was a white cake with raspberry filling. Last year the only cake I got, got shoved up my nose. By the time we got a chance to have some cake it was already GONE! It was really good, so I wasn't to shocked. I was only shocked because it was our wedding cake and nobody saved any for us ;)

The little collage of the cake before and after we cut it. It looks good for a year old :D

Kade Enjoyed It

So did I, and the baby :D

Thanks for the Fun babe, Love U

1 year down, forever to go. YaY


My wonderful and best friend Suzi threw me a wonderful baby shower! Thanks Suzi CUTIE! We didn't have a huge turnout because the snow was CRAZY. There was snowflakes the size of snowballs falling. So only those who lived fairly close came. But it was a fun time.

This was takin from the window...crazy big flakes HUH!

I just wanted to say thanks to all those who came and made my shower so much fun! And also for all those who put so much work into it. And also for all the awesome stuff I got!

1 Year Anniversary

Holy COW!!!! The year has flown by. (our little one could be here any day) I must say that I love my hubby more than I did when I married him. I have learned so much in one year, a lot about compromise. There has been plenty of ups and downs, and lots of faith on both of our parts. I thank heavenly father everyday for blessing me and allowing me to have such a great person in my life. It truly has been wonderful. We still act like we got married yesterday, but I hate being away from him for even minutes. So I just want to tell Kade and the whole world how much I love him! Thank you, for making me a better person every day. Thank you, for teaching me what is most important in life. Thank you, for helping me hold on when I don't feel like I can take anymore. Thank you, for choosing me to be your eternal companion. I LOVE YOU MR. KADE!

Friday, November 19, 2010


A year ago tomorrow, Kade and I were sealed for time and all eternity. We attended a session tonight together, and it brought back so many memories and feelings. I am grateful to have such a spiritually strong husband who has so much faith. We have had our share of trials this year, and with him by my side, I know we can do anything. I love you, Kade. I hope I tell you that enough.