He's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

She's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

He is Growing

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Monday, July 20, 2015


We had a fun Saturday! We decided to hit up Atomic Days in Arco, Idaho. The kids LOVED the long parade....they each gathered a bag of candy each! 

The kids didn't like it too much when water was squirted at us and there was a lot of that! 

For the first time in a long time I noticed an age difference with my kids. Drake really understood racing for the candy and Addyson, even though she is competitive, still needed help finding the candy and picking it up in time.  

At one point a plane flew over head and dropped ping pong balls...my kids were in awe!!!

The fun didn't end there! I got to participate in my 2nd 10K!  Where I enjoyed myself so much! It was overcast, 70°, and it even sprinkled a little bit. I felt amazing until mile 5 where I started getting tired. 

You see that pretty Ford?!? He followed me for over an hour at 5mph or less. Yup, I was DEAD last and had my own personal cheerleader! I found it quite amusing, I hope he enjoyed my dancing at mile 4, which probably was the reason I got so tired at mile 5. :) 

Before you get embarrassed for knowing the girl who came in last, know that there were only 5 people who even ran the 10K. With this fun run they had a lot of participants, and like any other race I've been to, they start the 5K and 10K together so you don't know who is running what until 1.5miles when the 5K and the 10K split. 

Because there were only 5 of us and only 2 of us were women, we all placed and all got medals. 

Kade forgot to take pictures and I forgot to remind him.  So I tried to get one by the finish sign but they were taking it down by the time I got my medal. So the finish line will have to do :)

Later that night Kade, Lex, and I went to a car race in Pocatello with Jake and Trecia. It was sponsors night and PRB OIL sponsors one of the racers at the track. So the boys got in free and wanted to go. It was surprisingly fun. 

Look how cute we are! I hope everyone else had an enjoyable weekend.  

Sunday, July 5, 2015

All American Sawtelle Stampede Fun Run 2015

I officially completed a 10k race, WOOT WOOT! I can't believe how proud I am of my body and my mind.  I was unsure if I should even post my time, but I ran the distance/race everyone else did, regardless of my time. I have the hardest time not being disappointed with my time, because I compare it to High School, and before having kids.
 I have to remember I took a 5 year break from running.  Then another break because I had Lex, my midwife was very strict about me waiting to start training because she didn't want to cause a prolapse. I slowly got back into running and signed up for this race because I thought my family members would be doing the 5K.... their plans changed but I stuck it out! 


I don't have my official time back yet and I didn't stop my timer right away so I only have a guess of my time. 

This course was very hilly, I didn't expect that, it was pretty hard. I also trained at night so I'm not use to the heat or the sun. The race started around 10, and it got HOT! There was some tree coverage, not as much as I expected, so I got a little sunburned. 

It was beautiful, we ran by a small lake and the breeze felt AMAZING! 

According to my research a 10K is a little over 6.2 miles. The course ended up being almost a 1/2 mile longer and I was so proud that I finished. I had only done a 5.5mile run prior to race day.

I felt really great the 1st half and pretty tired the second half. I'm super sore and tired today!

Prior to this race I planned to train for a half marathon, but I don't know if it's possible or if I even want to after running a 10K and being so exhausted. 

Hope you all had a FUN and SAFE 4th of July.