He's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

She's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

He is Growing

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Let it go!

My daughter is just as most girls her age are...obsessed with Frozen.  She also likes to yell sing!  Without further adieu, please excuse her nakedness.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Lex 5 months

Dear Lex,
We love watching you grow and man it is flying by!

You can sit for short periods before falling over.

You love the bumbo, mom does too, it makes it hard for you to scoot away into the other room. 

We give you little bits of food, you just beg for real food, and it's hard not to give in. 
I'm trying to exclusively nurse as long as I can, but I can see that you are wanting more. 

You can scoot to any object on your belly. You lay flat and push off with your toes. It's slow but you are getting faster. 

You are getting such a fun personality. So happy and giggly. You are not afraid if strangers, but you don't like being alone in a room.

Scooting around makes him tired!

MOM, I'm trying to sleep, quit.

You also will push up on your knees and fall forward, you are SO close to crawling!

sleeping in his mini crib/cosleeper

We went for a ear infection you had a weigh in, your weight has hit a plateau. The doctor seemed concerned, you are only growing about a pound a month now. So I am trying to feed you on a more strict schedule. 

You had your first ear infection, and it's was a tough one. You had to have 2 different antibiotics just to get rid of it. This along with teething has been hard on you. 

This was taken when both had pink eye and you had an ear infection.

crawling out of the co-sleeper already

Your cheeks are still my favorite, I kiss them all day long!