He's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

She's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

He is Growing

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Monday, December 30, 2013


I was going to post these along with the rest of our holiday pictures, but I forgot we took them.  I was trying to clean off pictures from my computer to put on my hard drive and I saw them.  I forgot how fun/cute this day turned out to be.

It was difficult to get everyone looking at the camera let alone smiling, but they turned out cute.  Plus I got some cute singles of my kids.


Saturday, December 28, 2013

Christmas 2013

We were spoiled this Christmas season.  Many sweet people anonymously, and non-anonymously left us very generous gifts.  Thank you everyone who was so kind to our household this year.

My kids got to see Santa 3 times this year, they were so cute sitting on his lap.  Drake kept going back hoping he would get more gifts to unwrap.  He even sat and talked to Santa for a few minutes just jabbering away.  He has come a long way since last year when he cried the whole time.

We went to a lot of Christmas parties and I really enjoyed myself, even with finals so close to the holidays.  

I made some gifts this year, but not as many as last.  These little tiles are what I gave my visiting teachers and those I visit teach.  

I also made some Christmas bulbs for the YW

I printed this picture I photoshopped, modge podged it to a canvas and gave that to Jay and Jenny, Kade's brothers family.  I didn't take an after picture, silly me.  

Ean asked me to make him a shirt this year, I drew his name.  I did exactly what he asked for.

We were given a handmedown play center, so the kids look really spoiled.  They love it tho, and they are okay with used toys.  

 Kade didn't have an exciting Christmas, a little toy, a few movies, some parts for his truck, and a crock pot.  Sadly, he is the one that uses the crock pot the most.

I was spoiled, and a little grumpy at how much Santa spent on me.   I have been wanting a bosh for 4 years, and have pretty much burned up my kitchen aid by trying to make bread in it too much.  I love it so much, and making 4 loaves of bread is a breeze.   

Here is my family by our Charlie Brown tree.  We had it up for a record of 3 days.  The day after Christmas we took it down, because the kids just would not keep out of it.  Drake cried when we took it down "oh no, where is my christmas tree?" He cried until dad told him we will get a new one next year.  

I hope everyone had a happy holidays. 

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Addyson is 2

Both kid's birthdays were late this year and I don't mind because they don't know a difference.  They got their gifts but that was it, later we did cake.

Addyson went in for an appointment on the 23rd for a well child check up.  She is 28 pounds (3 less then her brother) 35'' tall (2 less then her brother).

Addyson right now loves blocks and Legos, I have never seen a girl that likes those two things so much.
She also loves any baby, real or fake.
She likes to throw, balls, sippy cups, toys, she manages to break things from time to time.
She likes to drag kitchen chairs around the house, to help get up high.
She is not fond of playing with others her age, she makes her brother cry and any other toddler.
She will bite, hit, sit on, just to get the toy she wants.  I am trying my best to change some habits, but she is stubborn too. : D
Addyson will jabber in her own language, she goes on and on. Most of the time I only catch the last word of a sentence, sometimes it is anyone's guess what she is saying.  But she seems to be so far ahead in language, she is right up there with her brother.
She hates bedtime as of late, and will cry when we put her down.
She still loves the word NO, and will push the limits until mom gets up from her chair...
She has not mastered the art of whispering yet, and will yell loudly when you tell her to hush.
She does love to sing and make up songs, as well as dance.

We love miss Addyson Jo and we are glad she is part of our family.  You have so much joy and attitude, and I already can see that we will surly butt heads when you are older. : )

Drake has been on this kick of reading ads, he likes to look for toys he wants, haha.  Addy didn't want to show of her dolly. 


give us a smile

she gives half a smile

YAY! Happy girl.

Happy birthda...only part of the sign in this picture

she was happy with her cake

she finally got them both after a few minutes

Happy 2nd Birthday Addyson, Love you lots!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Fall 2013

I am so glad the semester is over.  I never thought I would work so hard for a 1100 level class.  In the end, all I cared for was to pass.  I did get a better grade then expected, but I worked so hard, so it was still disappointing.  The biggest frustration was finals, I had to drive 2.5 hours to Pocatello.   He told us that our final was 75 multiple choice questions, worth 1/4 of our overall grade.  So, I studied for that final, but when it was given to me, it was 16 long answer questions.  I didn't study for that kind of a test and was frustrated and pretty depressed.  But it is done with and I can move on.

My dad told me the other day, "some classes you just have to survive", that was Philosophy a class I did my best to survive.  But at least I didn't get the C I thought I was going to get :)  

Saturday, December 7, 2013

My Orange Bathroom

It has taken a lot longer then we thought to get this far on our bathroom.  I should learn my lesson, but I always hope to get a project knocked out in a weekend.  We are still not finished completely with the bathroom but it is close, and most importantly, functional.

I chose to do a bright, light, color because the room is small.  I am planing on painting the cabinets white, but not at the moment.  And it is okay if you don't agree on my light orange.  I love it and have already been made fun of multiple times :)  I wish you could see in the bathroom better, it is just too small to even take good pictures.

 For the last little while, my kitchen has been full of power-tools and sawhorses.  I am looking forward to getting all the tools out of my house for a while.

I can now take a bath, in my jetted tub.  I can also take a nice shower in my bigger space.

My favorite thing about my bathroom is the shower curtain.  We purchased a rotator rod, shower curtain online.  It rotates so you have more space showering, and when you are done, you have more space in your bathroom.  It was only 10 bucks more then the curved rods at home depot, but it is so much cooler.
Rotated in, more room in the bathroom.

Rotated out, more room in the shower. 

My shower curtain is so cute, I love Targets cute styles.  

Friday, December 6, 2013

Drake is 3

Before I get started, I wanted to warn you that this is a LONG post, pictures are at the end.

I have a 3 year old....that just sounds a little crazy.  This little boy has truly blessed our lives.  We had a fun celebration, and then he went in for a check up a few days after his sisters birthday.  For some reason, he loves the doctor, he was brave and the doctor would check his chest, ears, ect first, then Addysons.  It was super nice because Addyson freaks out whenever she sees someone in scrubs.  It calmed Addy down to see her big brother do something first and that everything was okay.

Drake had a flu shot when we went in.  It was adorable, he was so excited.  He wanted a sticker so he climbed up on the table, the nurse told me how bad she felt because he was so happy to get a shot.  He looked quite betrayed when the shot wasn't as fun as he thought, but he was fine soon after.

Drake weighed 31 pounds and was 37 inches tall. He is actually quite on the normal size now that he is a little older.  He wears 3T but he is still skinny so his pants fall off of him.  I often find him with only a shirt and socks on later in the day because he get annoyed and just takes his pants off.

Around his 3rd birthday I started potty training him.  He did so well, but if I didn't remind him he would just go in his underwear and not care.  After 3 weeks of asking him to go every hour I got discouraged because it was a bigger chore than diapers, and school was starting soon so I gave up.  Yeah, I'm awesome.  He still will ask to go in the potty from time to time, and I plan on trying again in May when he isn't at a sitters.
Maybe I will train Addy at the same time as Drake...we will see where she is developmentally.

Drake is a boy that is all boy.  He loves any kind of car or truck, he knows the difference between mommy's van, daddy's truck, and daddy's car.  One morning Kade took my van to work, Drake asked me all day long, "where's mommy's van?"  I think that is pretty smart.  He has known his abc's and he can count to at least 16.  He has a hard time with colors, but knows pink and blue for some reason.  He loves the birthday song and always asks if it is his birthday.  He seems to get smarter and bigger everyday and I can't keep up.
When we say family prayers at night, if it is his turn to pray, he will only say "thank you for my cars, thank you for my cars," over and over and finally amen.  Sometimes you can get him to be thankful for something else but it is rare.  He knows once prayers are over it is bed time, and he promptly crawls into bed.  He is so much better at bed time then his sister, who still cries for a few minutes.

He now will tell me what he wants to watch, eat, and wear.  I love how independent he is, but sometimes he really throws a tantrum if he can't wear his shorts and cars t-shirt to church.  He loves anything lightning mcqueen and mater!

The other day he cried during lunch because all he wanted to eat was carrots not the sandwich I made and I couldn't understand what he wanted, we finally figured it out.

Drake is just growing into his own fun person.  Here are some pictures and videos from his birthday.

His little army set, he was pretty excited!

Showing off his favorite part of his army set!  He even smiled. 

Showing us how old he is.  You can see his thumb, he sticks up his thumb and two fingers, so most of the time it looks like only 2 fingers. 

He was so excited 

No fork needed folks 

Then he was excited for a fork

Here are some cute videos