He's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

She's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

He is Growing

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Drake's Head-bob

So there is no audio, but if you watch for a few seconds you will be able to see Drake bobbing his head. He is so cute.


Drake is 7 months.

Drake is now flow-blown crawling...no more of that tummy scoot thing. He has gotten really fast.

He can catch the cat, which is not a good thing. The cat doesn't love that he pulls her tail, he has gotten a scratch or two, ouch.

He is doing a head bob thing, I'm not sure what else to call it. He moves his head side to side...so darling. I am trying to get a video because I can't describe it.

He successfully can pull himself up, and stay standing. He has even gotten brave enough to move from furniture to furniture. It wont be long before he is walking. But first he has to master walking on his feet, not his toes. He is still really wobbly.

I love my little baby, but he is turning into a toddler before my eyes. I am not sure how I feel about that.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

5th Month

Done with the 4th MONTH! Wow this is moving quickly. I am already 18 weeks.

I had a midwife apt on the 15th, we set up a full ultrasound for the 12th of august. That will be a nice birthday present for Oakley, lol, jk ;D It took us about five minutes to find the heartbeat, that scared me, but the baby is lower than she thought so we were lookin in the wrong place. The heartbeat was strong and in the high 150 range.

She was a little worried because I have actually lost weight, but she is glad it isn't because I am sick, it is because I am trying to eat healthy.

The baby has started moving enough to where I can feel the wiggles and kicks. Kade was actually able to feel the baby move a couple of weeks ago. I had a hard time knowing what it was with Drake started moving. I don't think I identified the feeling until I was past 20 weeks. This time around I felt the baby really early, like 11 or 12 weeks. Once you know the feeling, it is hard to forget.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


When we purchased our home, it was a beauty...okay, maybe not. I stumbled upon pictures that the relaters took of the house before we purchased it. I never remembered to take pictures before we started remolding.

Sometimes I look at my house and get frustrated or discouraged because I feel like we haven't made much progress lately. When I visit people with nice houses I am always jealous. I know that we could have purchased a nice house, but we wouldn't have gotten the sq footage that we have. The only thing I was bummed about was we didn't get a chance to work on the house before we moved in, not our fault, therefor progress is slower and I live in a construction zone.

I am grateful to have a roof over my head. And I am happy that we own our home and can make it as beautiful as we wish.

Anyway, when I stumbled upon these pictures, I realized we have made a lot more progress than I thought. So, thank you everyone for your love and help. Kade, thanks so much for constantly working on stuff for me. Now I am hoping for paint before the next baby arrives... ;D

YEP same room, a little different angel. WOW, can you say difference. The once dreary room is now brighter, and looks cleaner. I love how different it is.

Monday, July 11, 2011

First Date

I probably posted something similar to this last year, oh well. Two years ago today, I went on a first date with my wonderful husband. It was an eventful day. I had a blast. We got together around 10AM, I was late. We ended up going four-wheeling and later that night watching a movie. We even ate dinner with Kade's parents. I think I got back home around midnight. I remember not wanting to ever go on another date, because I didn't want to waist my time on a guy who wasn't interested in me. Turns out he was interested in me, he just hadn't gotten over the awkward returned missionary phase. I love you honey, thanks so much for having the guts to text me and ask me on a date :D

Pictures from my phone. 2 years ago.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Just so you know...I have been blogging so much due to my husband being away, this is the way I show him what is going on in our life's. Even if he has only been gone 3 days.

#1 worst thing about MY pregnancies

Don't think I complain all the time....I have just been a bit on the negative lately. I will blame that on the pregnancy too.

I LoVe, love, LOVE, being pregnant. I love all the little kicks, and all the things you learn about your baby's growing body. I love knowing every day is one day closer to my bundle. But I have some not so wonderful pregnancy symptoms.

Top 5 things I hate about pregnancy.

5. Morning sickness...it doesn't last long, and I only get nauseous.
4. Forgetting everything, like my dad's birthday. SHH don't tell.
3. Being so tired all the time.
2. Clumsiness, I knock everything over. I have bruises currently on my knees from falling.
1. I CANT GO TO SLEEP! I will sleep forever once I am asleep. But when night comes and the baby is in his crib, I am up all hours of the night. I need sleep, but can't make myself go to BED.

Then there are other things like getting fat and retaining water...but who wants to hear about that :D

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Is there such a thing as being too nice?

Yes! I have the worst curse EVER. I seriously have the hardest time saying no. If I happen to say no, it doesn't take long to pressure me into a yes.

The last 2 weeks of work I have not gotten off on time. There is always an issue. Someone always needs to leave early, or someone doesn't show up...so when they ask me to cover, I say yes. Even if I have a great excuse, I end up staying.

Someone close to me once told me I had an amazing GIFT of kindness. But lately I see it more as a draining curse. It is not just at work. I feel like I get taken advantage of, because I feel bad and do what I think is the nice thing to do, even if it takes away from my family. I don't stand up enough for myself and cant always express my needs, so while I am too nice to others, I am being mean to myself.

I have often heard other people tell me you can never be too nice.

I don't feel like I sacrifice a lot, or give people too much. I'm not awesome like that, that is my husbands department.

There have been times, now and in the past, where I have lived with people. I am to scared of being mean, to ask them to help with things, like chores. I am just so afraid I will say something wrong or that I might offend, that I rather suck it up and do everything myself instead of having them do their part. Plus if I do it, I know it is done right...RIGHT KADE! ;D There is also a pride issue, I think that I should be able to handle everything by myself, I don't need help.

I guess I am just terrified. Because when it comes down to it, I CAN say no, or ask people to do things, but in the long run, is it worth it? What if I stepped on someones toes? Do I want the few friends that I have to not like me? IDK I feel like the reason for having such a hard time saying no is, because in my heart I feel like that is being mean. If I am being mean...well that isn't okay with me.

The thing is, sometimes it wears me down. Sometimes, I just want to be selfish. I get tired of being nice, so I become resentful. I feel like people take advantage of me because I am willing to do things. When in reality, they probably have NO idea how I feel. It is honestly unhealthy to be too nice...it takes away from me emotionally and physically.

I am hoping I can learn to be nice, but know when it is okay to say NO, or HELP.

Any suggestions?

Friday, July 8, 2011

Getting BiG

Drake is growing...I cannot believe how much. This last week he has started to crawl. A couple weeks ago he started getting on his knees and pushing himself forward. He was doing a army crawl type thing. Now he has gotten the hang of things and is all over the place. He still doesn't like to crawl on his knees, he is faster if he gets on his knees and pushes with his toes onto his belly. He is into EVERYTHING. I am glad we have some carpet he can move on.

He has outgrown his little cradle. So we have moved him into his porta crib. He is so funny, he crawls around and tries to escape. Here is some pics, they don't show it very well, but he is pushing his face up against the mesh fabric. He thinks because he can see through it that he should be able to go through it.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Cheyenne Wyoming

Kade just left to WY to work for 3 weeks. It is so hard to see him go. I am not excited to deal with all the stresses of life on my own. He will be working hard, and I hope time goes by quickly for him. He will be refinishing 15 floors total, gym and church floors, while he is there. They just left so they will drive as far as they can tonight, sleep, finish driving tomorrow, then start working.

The original plan was for him to leave on early morning Tuesday the 5th, I was bummed because I worked part of the 4th. Kade had just got home from staying in Salmon, ID late Friday so I got to spend part of 4 days with him, between my job. So basically we didn't see each other most of the weekend. Things came up so he didn't end up leaving till today, I was excited to get a little more time with him.

Lately he has been really struggling with his allergies. I'm not sure a drying climate will help, but maybe he will get lucky and not have them bother him.

I took this picture by surprise, he didn't know what I was doing when I told him to smile. LOL

Luv u honey...come home soon.

I am 16 weeks exactly today....about 4-5 more until we know Bingham baby's sex :D

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July

Sadly, I worked on the 4th, but after I FINALLY got to go home, we had some fun. We decided to go up to Terreton. G&G Bingham were there along with Steph, Jamie, Shyla and Tony and all the kids. We had yummy dutch oven chicken, potatoes, and scones. It rocked. Then we watched yogi bear while waiting for it to get dark. G&G Bingham left after dinner, but all the siblings that were there along with their kids stayed for some fireworks. Tony got some awesome fireworks, there were a lot. Most everyone went inside to go to bed before the good ones started. But I got some pictures.

The little kids had a lot of fun with the sparklers.

I really enjoyed the big fireworks.

There was a firework that decided to tip over, causing it to shoot at the cars and at Emma who was sitting next to me....scary. She got hit. but no one got hurt.