He's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

She's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

He is Growing

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Sunday, January 27, 2013

Snow machine Saturday

Kade made me go on a snow machine ride on Saturday. There was very little snow.  We had so much!  BUTl Friday it melted then iced over.  Then today we got another 3 feet!  So, we picked a bad time to go sledding.  Should have gone the day before or the day after...OH WELL. When we were out there we had an adventure like we always do.  Brad and Nikki came along.  We had 4 of us on 2 sleds and we were having a good ride, we even remembered to say a prayer before we started.  About 5 miles into our ride, the machine Kade and I were on, quit.  We fiddled with it but couldn't get it to stay running.  After about an hour of trying to figure something out we decided to see if we could tow out the one sled with the other.  It worked like a charm.  At first the boys couldn't get the knot to stay tied, so Nikki tied it up and it was fine from there.  I was sure glad I didn't have to hike back.  The miracle of prayer and a 2 foot strap got us out with both sleds and without getting stuck.

Machine one towing machine two.

Then I made everyone take a photo. THE END :)  WAIT THERE ARE A FEW MORE PICTURES.

My manly husband :)

The CUTE couple 

Kade busting a drift. 

Monday, January 21, 2013

Extra on the SIDE

Kade and Brad refinished a hardwood floor for my cousin this weekend.  It really made for a busy scheduled  between his full-time job, I never saw him.  Anyway, The floor turned out beautiful.



This was sanded and half of it is stained

2 coats almost done

buffing before the final coat.

before and after!!!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Soon to be CRAZY.

Did I mention I switched majors?  No, because it is new...because I live in the middle of nowhere and all I have are prenursing classes I was unsure what to do.  I can't do clinical rotations and such when I don't live in Pocatello.  Sorry not driving 2 hours one way everyday for school for a few more years.  After talking with a councilor, we decided I can get a general studies associates degree in a few more (part-time) semesters.  Not ideal, but I would like a degree instead of quitting now and having nothing to show for it.
ISU has limited online classes, so I can only take certain ones certain semesters. So 10 credits this semester and I hope to register full time come fall, and I'm DONE.  Light at the end of the tunnel. I may have to take a few in the summer in case I can't get them this fall??? I wish it was more then an associates given that I have taken enough credits for a bachelors, but hey not everything works out the way you hope, especially for me...had some bad luck all my life :)  But if i go back to ISU later I will have the credits and if I decided to go somewhere else I have a start.....

Otherwise, I am starting a new round of biggest loser, Kade joined in.  He is the one motivating me to work out, SO AWESOME. I have 20+ pounds to lose and I hope to make it.

All of my classes are online and I am not looking forward to 2 semesters of French, the book costs more then my anatomy and physiology book...yeah not happy.   No book should cost close to 400 bucks unless it is made of gold :)


a random picture

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hello 2013 ~

I am really praying this is our lucky year.  So far we have had fun and I have taken some cute pictures

New years kiss, we were playing cards when it was time for the smooch!  Not a great picture, but hey it is documented. :)

The little girls and I made sugar cookies.  We had some mild fighting with who got what cutter, made me smile.

Addy really enjoyed eating those cookies :)

Some more new years eve/day fun.

It has been frigged outside, so much snow..... more like ICE. -20's is regular and we have already had the school closed due to the cold.  Anyway, Drake got to go play outside and he loves it.

He kept clapping his hands, he thought the sound was so awesome.

How was your new years?  Full of fun I hope! I hope you have a great year this year!