He's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

She's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

He is Growing

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Friday, January 20, 2012

End of December, First half of January Update (LONG)

So the last few weeks have been crazy and fast.

I am finally signed up to all the classes I need to be in. It took two weeks to get my schedual straight. I have visited the bookstore way to much, buying books, then returning them.

I am now taking 13 credits, same as last semester. I am taking A&P + the lab, I have an online history class, then a economics class, along with a survey of art class. Most of these are just introductory classes, but I am still way over my head. Not this week but next I will have a bunch of tests coming up. I better get studying.

I journey down to pokie on Tuesday and Thursday with my sister Trecia. It is nice to talk and get caught up on each others lives. Then on Monday and Wednesday I have one class in Idaho Falls. I hate leaving my two babies for so long during the week. I feel like I never see them, and when I get home I still can't spend time with them...I am busy studying. BUMMER.

Even though school is a drag, and no fun right now. I know it will pay off, and I know it is what my heavenly father wants me to be doing. I can do it! It will be worth it!

And while school has been going on...there has been lots of other things as well.

Addyson was born Dec 22 at a weight of 8#'s 11 oz
On the 27th of Dec we went for her 2 day checkup, with the holidays it was really a 4 day checkup. She already weighed 9 #'s 4 oz. She was still 21 inches long and her first head circumference taken at 15 in. She was growing right? Way to fast.

Then on Jan 5th we went for her two week checkup. She weighed 9#'s 8 oz. Her head circumference was still 15in and she was still 21in long.

WOW! Our little girl is getting chubby. :D She is still growing and is now 4 weeks old...and in 2 days she will be a month old.

She is always hungry and eats all the time. If she doesn't fall asleep when I feed her she never gets full. She is a really good baby, hiccups a lot, burps like a truck driver, hardly spits up (unless she eats formula, or my milk from a bottle), hardly cries (unless hungry), still poops a ton (every time she eats), loves to sleep (like her mama), and is adorable I am so glad she is mine. I think miss Addyson still looks like Drake a lot. She is doing well and we are so blessed to have her.

Drake is also getting bigger. He will stand on his own without holding on to things, but he refuses to walk. He loves to click his tongue (SO LOUD), he now spits, he has two bottom teeth and the top two look like they are close, he is so happy, he loves everyone, he is not shy at all always going to strangers. He is doing really good with food compared to a month ago. He will now eat almost all baby food, not meat. He will now eat breads, cereals, and other food we give him without gagging. He loves milk still, and has a hard time if he doesn't get his bottle. AHH
I love my Drakester...he is such an awesome toddler.

While I am gone a lot with school, Kade is gone a lot with work. He loves his job...and it keeps him busy...so I hate it. I do love all the cool stuff we score, but it is a problem for our small house. Our newest great find was a microfiber rocking chair, it swivels and is in pretty good shape. It matches my living room, where my old maroon one didn't. Unfortunately it doesn't fit in our house yet, because we haven't gotten rid of our maroon one yet.


Kade finds all sorts of things for him, and I am sure there would be fun stuff for me at the houses, but I don't go with him so I miss out. We are so happy that we have employment, even if he is gone a lot.

There is our quick, but pretty long update.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

baby boy and girl

I wonder if people will think these two are twins when they are older. I get asked EVERY time I am in wal-mart if they are twins, because they are both in car seats. They never look at the difference in size, LOL.

Friday, January 13, 2012

First Tooth

Drake finally had a tooth break through on Friday the thirteenth! He is one year, one month, and one week old today. You are still not able to see it, but it is there, and sharp. He is acting really good for teething. It looks like he will have more pop out any day.

My little baby boy is getting so big.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Addyson's Baby Blessing

The important days are always the days where the most goes wrong. I remember our wedding day, and so does everyone else. We still get teased for forgetting or losing our wedding license. We had to quickly run across the street and get a new one, I was so glad we got married on a Friday when the courthouse was open. Not only did we not have a license, but Kade forgot his vest, so he had to borrow my dads. In our wedding pictures Kade is wearing a pink vest instead of an orange one. I was just happy to be married...I didn't care.

I was prepared, the night before Addyson's blessing. The food was made ready to be cooked, my cloths were set out, along with Kade's, Drake's, and Addyson's. Kade was told he needed to be fifteen minutes early for church so he could fill out paperwork. 9 o'clock came way to early, or at least 8:45 did. Kade woke me up realizing it was 8:45 and we were supposed to already be at the church. I made him leave ASAP as I dressed the kids and myself as quick as I could. Lucky for us the opening song for sacrament was the spirit of god, like the longest song in the hymn book.

I was so upset, as I walked in right as the opening prayer was being said. I of course didn't have time to get myself ready, just dressed. Drakes shirt wasn't even buttoned up, but he had a sweater vest on so no one could tell. Addyson had a hair bow in and was in her dress so I was okay, I was upset and flustered but things were okay. We were late, but in the nick of time, right after I sat down they announced that we were having a blessing.
We had a great turn out. There were about 14 men in the circle, it was huge, there was barely room for so many people. The blessing was beautiful along with my baby girl.
We ate afterword and we did that at Wray and Cortnie's house. They were so wonderful letting us do it there, thanks again wray and cort. We had a full house and plenty of food. It was a great time.

Thanks everyone who made it. You all made it such a special day.

So even if the most important days are the ones that seem to go the most wrong...in the end all that is important is that the blessing got done.

but I was so embarrassed......stupid alarms, why didn't it go off? Plus to make the day worse I forgot my memory card, so we only got a few pictures and they weren't very good. BUT hey, whatever, we got some.

Monday, January 2, 2012

School, Already

I have a week left of freedom. I am so sad, and a little bit scared. I have a brand new baby, and I am not sure I will be able to take on two kids with school. I may be nuts but I really need to get my schooling done.

Addyson's Birth Story

On 12/21 at 11:30 am I had a midwife appointment. I was 8 days overdue. My midwife talked to me about the risks of staying pregnant. She let me know that everyday I go over I have a higher risk for a stillborn birth, because the placenta stops working. Also the baby can gain a pound a week, and so I could have a really big baby if I continued to wait. She didn't pressure me one way or another, but she let me know that if she didn't break my water that day that she wanted me to come in on the 22nd to get started. If I would have fought her she would have let me wait it out, but I really didn't want a Christmas baby, or to be in the hospital on Christmas. So I agreed to have my water broken.

The midwife striped my membrains before sending me to the hospital. She told me it would take a while for me to get checked in and such, and that if I could get contractions going on my own it would be better. I was already dilated to a 4.

We went up to the hospital where they questioned me and I waited until the midwife got to the hospital. She broke my water around 2:45 pm, and told me that it would take 3-5 hours before labor actually started. If I didn't go into labor on my own by 5 hours she would put me on pit.

Basically I walked around the hospital for about 5 hours, every hour I had to get hooked up to the monitor so it could say I was having contractions every 10 minutes. Nothing was really happening...except that I was starving, and tired, and grouchy!

When I would walk around the hospital I would have 1 minute contractions every 4 minutes, but the second I sat down, they stopped.

Finally, I started getting kinda regular contractions so at 7 they checked me again and I was to a five. By nine I was at a six. This was going way more slowly than I had hoped. I was doing great breathing through contractions. In fact they were not that painful. I didn't have back labor at all, so it was a completely different experience than I had with Drake. I felt controlled and great actually. I got in and out of the tub a lot during that two hours. Every hour I still had to be monitored. I also enjoyed the birth ball. I felt in control.

Around 9 when I was at a six, I decided that they should call the midwife because my contractions were getting harder. She was a great help. She taught Kade some counter pressure and he was a very helpful coach. I let him help me this time around and I felt like I was really nice, and not at all grouchy toward anyone.

This is kinda random, but it was what made me so angry. There was another one of my midwifes patients in the room next door. She was 9 days overdue and was scheduled to get started the following morning. She came in when I was at a six and stayed neck in neck with me except that she had her baby an hour earlier at 12:05. I was so upset that she came in and had her baby in 3 hours, and I had been there all day! I was tired and been there for hours and she came in and popped it right out!

Around 11:30 I started to get discouraged. I got an IV medication to help me calm down. By 12am I was dilated to an 8 and was in super hard labor. It was way painful and I knew I couldn't go much longer. I was complaining about not being able to go on. I kept saying "I can't do this", "make it stop", things like that. My midwife promised me I was almost done. I was tired and irritable and past the point of no return. I wanted to give up. I told my midwife that I think I should just have an epidural, she asked me if that's what I really wanted, I told her no...she just smiled.

The midwife kept telling me I was going to be able to push soon. at 12:45 the midwife promised me I only had 30 minutes to go. I didn't believe her. I was only at an eight, I had no urge to push, my contractions where 4 mins apart, and I was worried I would be stuck with this pain forever. At this point I was in bed, refusing to go on the birth ball, or in the tub, because I just was to tired to move.

Time passed, more terrible contractions. I then told my husband and midwife I had to go to the bathroom. I hadn't had the uge to push yet, and my contractions were still 4-5 min apart. I tried to go to the bathroom but I couldn’t and I started to contract so I stood up and grabbed on to the toilet bar thing and bent my knees squatting in a position trying to make the contraction less painful.

All of a sudden I needed to push. I told my husband who was standing next to me that I could feel the baby, my midwife was encouraging me to push, but I could feel my little girls head. I said, I am going to have this baby on the bathroom floor, I'm going to drop her on her head. My husband said it was sooo cool all of a sudden a baby's head emerged. So they grabbed some gloves and I was kinda in a squat position and I pushed a couple of times and she was born. 1:06 am. …I cant believe I had her in the bathroom. There was blood and mess everywhere. My husband said it looked like carnage, I was so shaky I thought I was going to fall to the ground. I kept a hold of the bathroom bar and turned my head to see my husband cut the umbilical cord. She was white and wouldn't cry very loud so I was so worried...then she let out a cry and I was excited. Then I had them haul me back to bed because otherwise I would have dropped to the ground. She was 8#110z 21 inches long a big baby. I was surprised she was bigger than Drake.

The afterbirth was painful, and I was glad when I was done with that. They didn't have to stitch me up! That has been awesome. I can sit normally!

A long story, with an exciting ending. I still can't get it out of my head that I had her in the bathroom. It was unexpected and I had the baby 20 minutes later instead of 30 like my midwife promised me.

I loved my midwife and will definitely use her again, or recommend her to anyone. She is willing to do it your way if she can make it happen.

I love Addyson, she is a doll, and loves to eat. If she is awake she is eating. She wanted to eat right after she was born. Which made nursing super easy with her because she actually wanted to eat instead of sleep all the time. When we went into her 5 day check up she weighed 9# 4 oz. When we left the hospital on the 23rd she was 8# 7oz so she almost gained a whole pound in a few days...that is how much she loves to eat.

I am excited to be Addyson's mom and get to know her and take care of her. Sorry this was so long...didn't want to forget anything.

2012 YAY

Last night we went and partied with Brad, Nikki, and Braelie their daughter. We watched the movie Columbiana and ate treats. It was fun to socialize and get out of the house. Plus I got my new years kiss, awww.... I wonder if I will ever grow out of loving the new years kiss. I sure hope not!

We kissed in front of the clock, to prove it was midnight, but you cant read it LOL!

I am happy to be done with 2011! This last year has been probably the hardest one yet. I know I will always have my challenges, but I am hoping this year is less stressful, or my heart is going to wear out by the time I'm 25. LOL

I know now that I have two kids life wont get easy, but I love Kade, and I am willing to face what ever my father in heaven throws my way.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Addyson's Newborn Pictures

These were the two I sent out.  Later I found out that some people didn't get theirs, so sorry about that.  I did send them.

I took these myself 11 days after Addyson was born.  They are not the best, but some turned out okay.  I am glad I did it when I did because a few days latter our touch-screen, really nice Nikon somehow broke.  I think Kade accidentally put it somewhere and it got stepped on.  Only problem is, that you can't tell it is broken until you turn it on, so IDK how long ago it was broke.  :( BOO, so until we can afford another nice one, I will be using my old pink camera.

She looks like a little ballerina HEHE

About to be Irate 

searching for the nipple 

cute hands under her chin

Her hair was so dark

this face looks like Drake

little chubbs 


Stop taking pics mom

Milk Coma Face :D

A lot look the same..and there are not many.  I wish I would have done another session after, but she really hated being unwrapped to do naked pictures.

More from the hospital