He's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

She's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

He is Growing

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Ragnar Weekend 2016

Most people don't know the breakdown of a Ragnar Relay,  I will try and explain it really quick. This may get long...first off every team has 12 people on it.  The members are numbered 1-12 and we go in numerical order passing a baton, ounce number 12 gets done he passes the baton to number 1 and it starts over. The team is split up into 2 groups runners 1-6 and runners 7-12. Each group of 6 is in one van. Half of the team can eat/sleep while the other half is driving next to their team as they run. Everyone runs 3 legs, all different lengths due to where they can fit in exchange places, where you give the baton to the next runner. All these exchange places had to be big enough for parking/10+ bathrooms/room for water stations. It goes 2 days and 1 night non-stop!!!

Ragnar tattoo
My husband was leg 10 & I was leg 11. 

Kades legs were -3.1 miles easy
                           -6.2 miles hard
                         -5 miles hard

1st leg

2nd leg, night run
3rd leg

right after we finished our LAST leg.

Kade did amazing!!! He PRed on his 10k, which was in the dark & perfect 50 degrees. I was so worried about him because he didn't get very many long runs in before the race. His longest run was 8 miles and they suggested long runs up to the total amount of miles, so your body is use to high mileage. The course discription said his last 2 legs were down hill, but that 10k in the middle ended up having a lot of hills. But he rocked it and his adrenaline helped his pace significantly. He got 2 blisters and I figure it was because he didn't have 2 pairs of shoes to traid off during legs, like I did. He only hobbled for 2 days after the race was over, which ppl at work gave him a hard time about, haha. He is already talking about next years Ragnar, his runners high, how he is itching to run, and how I might have created a monster. I'm thrilled of course because my fear was that he would hurt a lot, and he would vow to never run again. I vow to never run again in the middle of any race I do...it hurts...sometimes a lot. 

My legs were -4.4 miles moderate
                      -10 miles very hard
                      -2.2 miles easy

showing off our tattoos!
I was happy that I got the easiest leg for my last, I knew I would be stiff and tired after my 10 miler. My first leg was so hot that it was probably my most difficult leg, plus HILLS, I got sick from the heat and I ate dinner that night but was unable to stomach much for the next 24 hours.  

handing off the baton on my 1st leg

 I probably slept the least out of our van next to the driver. Most people were able to sleep while the van was moving and following our team, I wasn't. I only slept twice out on the grass in the sleeping bag. Once while it was 90 degrees and sunny. I now know why my husband had so much fun, it was a mix between camping and sports, haha. I feel like after this I could go camping and survive sleeping on the ground, if you are tired it is doable. My 10 mile leg was the one I was the most nervous for. But there were hardly any hills and it was mostly on gravel. I assume the gravel gave it a harder rating, but I run on the gravel all the time over here, so it was great. It was a trail run and it was around the beautiful Echo Lake. 

Half of it was in the dark and I got to watch the sun rise around the lake. Talk about beautiful - one run that will be forever hard to beat. 

My last leg was fast and furious...my fastest mile yet 10:30

Yay, I'm DONE!

By the end I was so tired. I was so ready to go home. I missed my babies soooo much, and I'm still not sure I will do it again next year. But give me a few months and I will forget the bad. Our van was amazing, I laughted so hard and had so much fun visiting and sweating with my team. It is definitely a great experience, and adventure, and something we will have to save some $$$ up for if we plan on it again.

our medals are a puzzle!
All running into the finish together!
Yes, we did it!
Some random things - the most difficult thing about a Ragnar next to no sleep and multiple races is the waiting. You feel like you are constantly waiting for 2 days and a night. If we do it again at least I will be prepared for the endless waiting.  -I have never had to use a porterpotty so much in my life, you get to where you are scanning for them at EVERY exchange. -people weren't as smelly as I feared - and you don't need as much food as you think, but double the water. Now, some more random pictures.

riding in the big van.
showing off our team shirts, that was our name, when in doubt run it out.
our van!
showing off that medal
we did it, together.

The whole dozen, that we didn't see much of, and I don't even know all their names.
strangers, turned friends.
This weekend taught me that I am way more mentally tough than I give myself credit for! I can now call myself a ragnarian & check that off my bucket list. 

jump for joy, we are DONE!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Summer Soccer 2016 Week 2

Drake played again tonight. He had fun, and if we kept score, we would have blown it out of the water. It was windy and cold, so the other 2 kids kept close to cuddle with us adults.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Primary Water Party

We went to the primary party this week, it was a little windy, what a bummer. Last week was so so hot, I blame the farmers that cut their hay, making it rainy and windy ;) haha

I didn't think to take many pictures, but the kids enjoyed themselves. I'm thinking we should make it a once a month thing. At least the pools and the people and the slip and slide. But I'm just to lazy to make it happen :) 

This was a water table, pretty simple. The kids loved dumping water into different containers...these are the 4-5 year olds and they played with it for a good hour...surprised me. 

Lex loves balls, LOVES them. This was a water balloon that wasn't very full, he called it a ball, and he bounced it around for a long while. He also loved using the chalk in the pavilion. It's all over his legs. 

Drake is shaving a water balloon. Haha, the other kids then got into a shaving cream fight, it was very messy fun. My kids weren't involved so I didn't take pictures...

It was fun to get out, I need to find some other things to do, or it may be a long summer for my kids.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Summer Soccer 2016 Week 1

Drake started soccer, Addyson is bummed that she wasn't old enough to play. I'm not sure if Drake likes it yet, but we will keep practicing to find out. He is actually one of the bigger kids in the league. When we play other teams they all look small, and he is not that tall. Trecia, my little sister is the coach, she does an excellent job! She loves the sport and played in an indoor league this year, so naturally she persuaded me to sign Drake up! :)

I hope to post a few pictures of him every week. 


Jake and Lex

He is so handsome

The best way to keep an eye on the kids

Coach Trecia, coaching :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

An end to a chapter

I knew the long memorial day weekend was coming, meaning only 2 more weeks before Ragnar. Meaning a few days/nights without my nursing son. I have been trying to slowly reduce the amount of time I nursed Lex. For a few weeks he wasn't nursing at all during the day, but he would ask, beg, and cry. He didn't understand why he got to nurse sometimes but not other times. It broke my heart, when he would ask day after day and cry and say please, please, please. I went back to letting him nurse, but only when he asked twice. For example, I would get him real food, if he asked again I would nurse him. He normally is only persistent when he is tired and ready for a nap or bed. 

I knew I would need Kade to help wean him, I'm such a pushover to my baby. And it was a 3 day weekend and it would give us an extra night where he could cry all night and it wouldn't bother Kade's work day. I hoped it would only be one hard night and lucky for us it was.  Second night was hard too, but not as miserable.  By the third day he stopped asking at all.  I think the reason it has been so hard is that, he hates cow milk.  He still wont drink it very well, I can't figure out why, because he loves almost everything.   
 These pictures were taken Friday morning I nursed him for a nap. I realized it would be the last time and right after he fell asleep I took some pictures and I may have cried. No joke, I LOVED nursing him.  I don't want this time to end, I don't want him to get any bigger.  We have had such a tight and special bond...I wish I could hold on to it longer. I feel immensely guilty for being the one to end it instead of him growing out of it. But it lasted 9 more months than I initially planned and don't get me wrong some days I'm really ready to be done. 

The weekend is now gone, I'm super sore, and look forward to feeling better & having my body to myself, YAY. Lex seems to be adjusting, I'm thankful that he isn't more upset. I was so worried I wouldn't get snuggles anymore, but that is how he prefers to fall asleep.  Every night he crawls up into bed, we snuggle, he falls asleep, I put him in his crib.  I'm so pleased we still have a tight bond.  Love you Lex, I wish the time didn't go so fast!