He's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

She's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

He is Growing

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Sunday, November 23, 2014

Lex's Baby Blessing

We blessed Lex in my parents ward in Moreland on November 23rd, 2014. We put it off too long, and decided to finally do it somewhere other than our small home (that still has boxes needing unpacked). 

I was really kicking myself for waiting so long when I went to find him an outfit. I quickly found out most places only carry 0-3 months. What?!?!? My boy was over 13#s borderline of 3 month clothes. He is a tall boy and the outfit he did use was a little short. But he was adorable either way. He only made it until the middle of the sacrament before he pooped up his back! I was expecting it to happen, after all he was wearing white! :D

A quick phone picture right before going to church. 

His blessing was short, sweet, and to the point....they didn't have the microphone on so I was lucky to hear any of it.  

Lex is such a strong baby,  I hope he stays that way.   I hope as he grows he will seek knowledge, the spirit, and what is right!  And I hope I can be the parent I need to be for him. 

We had a great amount of support, I am glad Lex has such a large family to look after him and love him.  

Great grandpa and grandma Bingham

Great Grandma and Grandpa Kunz

4 Generations of Bingham Boys

Great G&G Bingham

G&G Bingham

G&G Kunz
They were so awesome to let us use their home and they made yummy food for everyone!

My older kids were too busy playing so no family picture, but one of Lex with his parents.


Friday, November 21, 2014

5th Anniversary

Last night we celebrated 5 years being married! CrAZy!

It feels like a short amount of time, but at the same time I feel like we have been together our whole lives! 

Kade got the day off work and we went to lunch with the kids. It was a treat for them because we haven't eaten out much lately. In fact other then a lunch date with grandpa we haven't eaten out in a month. Which is huge!

We decided this year we would go to a movie, no gifts. We had some free movie tickets which was extra awesome! Kade arranged the night (which was so nice) and we dropped off the oldest two and headed to Mockingjay part one. I love, love that our anniversary always falls on the week of a big release movie. Lex slept through the movie and it was a great little getaway. 

Spending most of the day with our little family reminds me how blessed I am to have had this life for the last 5 years. 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Perks of Living in Our Neighborhood

We love shopping the DI, ever since we moved back we go about once a week. We could walk if we wanted!

I tore my last pair of jeans that fit so we made another trip yesterday.

The kids scored some sweet trikes! 

It was bright outside! I can't believe how warm it has been. I hope every autumn stays this long. 

Lex and I cuddled while the older two played.  He loves my kisses!

We also live walking distance to the greenbelt. They have some fun things all around, it is a beautiful place. 

One night I went walking along the greenbelt and had only been out a few times before. It was dark and these bears scared the pants off of me. After my scare I made a special trip with the kids to visit the bears in the park!  

On the Sunday of Drakes primary program, for a reward for doing so well, the primary walked over to the visitor center.  He brought home a leaf and he talked and talked about how he got to see and touch Jesus! :) I'm excited for the chance to visit the temple when Lex doesn't need me so much. 

I miss the wide open space of Monteview but I am happy to take advantage of the wonderful things close to this home. 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

November 4, 2014 Addys visit to the ER

It was a normal night, dinner was cooking in the crockpot.  I was feeling dozy, snuggling Lex, waiting for Kade to get home, so I could go for a walk.  I heard a gagging noise, and shot up off the couch to find Addyson clearly choking on something.  Before I could get to her, I saw her swallow and immediately she started to bawl.  She choked some words out, I had her repeat herself, until I could understand her through her sobs.  She said, "I swallowed my money!"  In a panic, I called her pediatric center, no answer.  I then called the ER.  They asked if I knew what type of coin, I had no idea.  She said that it would be smart to have her x-rayed to make sure it was moving through just fine.  They then asked if she was in pain?  She hadn't stopped screaming and crying since, so I took a wild guess and said she was.  The nurse told me to come one in to have her checked out.  This was around 6.

It took me a half an hour to get everyone loaded in the car.  I couldn't get Addyson to stop screaming through that time.    I wasn't sure if she was terrified from almost choking, if the coin was hurting her, or both. I called and told Kade where to meet me, he was driving on the interstate, on his way home from work.  

Between meeting with Kade, and searching high and low for my missing wallet, were were on our way to the hospital.  Kade got in the truck and drove, I slumped in the passenger seat sobbing along with Addyson.  She soon fell asleep, and we reached the ER, it was a little after 7.

While we were getting checked in, Kade held Addy she was very lethargic and wouldn't answer any questions. We were finally pulled back into a room, just to wait for the x-ray technician.  After about a half hour, Addy perked up and was playing like her normal self.  The nurse brought in some crayons and coloring pages.  

Finally they brought in an x-ray machine.  Addyson doesn't do the best with strangers or strange places, I was worried she would have a fit with the x-ray.  She was so brave and did exactly what they needed her to do.  I was very proud of her.  

We were told that it looked like a small coin and that it was moving along like they would expect it.  I was relieved it wasn't a quarter, those don't come out on their own.  I was told what I figured they would tell me.  That it will pass on it's own and to watch for it.  If it didn't come on its own in 48 hours, if she has pain, or abnormal symptoms to bring her back.  

After, I couldn't help but feel so blessed on the outcome.  Things could have gone a different direction tonight.  

Now, Addyson likes to tell people that she has money in her tummy.  And she also advises people not to put money in their mouth :) She is trying to spread her wisdom.

About 48 hours later we found this beauty!

A green and purple dime!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Lex 2 Months

Dear Lex,
You have gotten so big so fast.  We love your big cheeks and leg rolls.  You are such a hungry hungry caterpillar, you always want to eat when you are awake.  That means I am either feeding you or tucking you in to nap. About halfway through this month, your naps stopped happening so much and they got shorter.  You are awake for some of the day now.  This means I don't get anything done chore wise, making our home the messiest yet.

At your 2 Month appointment you weighed 13 pounds 3 ounces.  your height was 23 inches and your head was 16 inches around.  

How did we get such a cute baby?  We love you so much.

I can almost always get you to smile, unless you are ready for bed.

You are the little brother and I am sure you will be spoiled.

You are in 0-3 month clothes but they fit snug and are getting short.

You know your mom, I love all your attention.

You can hold your head up, as you always have been able to do.  You have much more control on your head movement now.

You love to suck your fist and make such a loud noise while doing it.

You love when people help you stand and sit up.

Tummy time and laying on your back are some of your favorite things.

We sure love this little grin.

You are talking more and even coo.

You sleep better when its noisy, and sometimes if you are so tired you wont sleep.  Laying you down while I vacuum does the trick. 

You were blessed the end of your 2nd month!  

You are getting big, and less blowouts happen, so less laundry.

You are handsome and very well behaved...and like your siblings you love car rides.

Lex thanks for coming to our home to stay!  I love watching you grow...and it's going by mighty fast.