He's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

She's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

He is Growing

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentines Day 2013

On Monday we headed to town, because Kade got paid and we went to pay some bills.  After we had a nice dinner at Olive Garden...it was an early Valentines date.  On Valentines day, Kade surprised me with a dozen roses, and cutesy necklace(the kids immediately broke).  It was sweet of him.  I love how thoughtful he is.  He always tries to take care of me, I sure lucked out.  We defiantly are not the perfect couple, but he makes me a better, kinder, more patient woman.  This life is about becoming better, and with Kade I have become so much better.  Love you babe.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Procrastinating again!


I find when I am really dreading homework, instead of doing it I do everything else.  I mean everything, I even will clean my house!  I have not blogged for a while it feels like.  I am sure there are plenty of pictures or something I need to share.

I hate French class!  Not that it seems hard, it just seems pointless.  I have to take it, 2 semesters, and I feel like I have no reason too.  I don't want to learn it and for some reason I am fighting with it instead of submitting and just doing it.  

Believe me, I have plenty of homework to do, but I am not doing it right now....NOPE.

One way I have been procrastinating, is with my camera.  I got a very nice camera for my birthday.  I have been saving up for one for YEARS, and I finally got one!  I use it so much that it is always in my hand.  I have seen some wonderful silhouette pictures and decided I was going to do some.  

I am still working on it, I am never consistent, but the ones that have turned out make me smile.  AND I LOVE THEM, they may seem cheesy but I LOVE THEM.  Here are some I have done. The sunset is different every night, so they all look a little different.

First attempt, with Kade and Drake.  Love the color, but didn't think about the big puffy coat.

Yeah, Drake and Kade had fun.  While I was taking pictures and freaking out.  THAT IS TOO HIGH.

Second attempt, this time I used a tripod and joined my hubby.  He was being so silly I didn't get very good ones.  But I do love the purple and blue.
The third attempt there was only clouds.  No sunset :(  It also got too dark towards the end.
But the whole family participated along with our tripod.  :)  Lots of work but I love how some turned out.

It is hard when there is snow and it is cold and the babies don't want to hold still.  I had to think of all the ways we could hold them so they were distinct and part of the picture.

Now for some more pictures.

Drake in his uncle Jake's boots.  They were up to his butt HAHA.

Drake pulled everything out of the ottoman and decided to sit in it and watch tv.  Made me laugh.

We are pretty sure that our little Roxy is pregnant....we hope she survives, we are unsure of who the father is!

Drake sleeping with his semi truck. :)

Addyson was so pretty in her dress on Sunday.  I wish I had a better picture.

Drake playing marbles with Anne Marie.  I use to play this same marble game at my grandma Kunz's house as a kid.  

Drake is so full of it.  He dumped the bed on his tonka truck and he rides it around.  Not sure where he gets his ideas.

Addyson, was kissing her baby.  She loves babies.  She smiles at them, wants to kiss them, I didn't realize girls loved dolls so early on.  It took Drake 2 years to lean how to kiss,  but not this little flirt!

Addyson is such a good throw.  It seems as though both of my kids will be left handed.  Not for sure, but they both prefer their left hands...not sure where that came from.  I don't know very many left handed people.

Oh, and a pretty picture at the end. :)
I wanted to do silhouettes in front of this sunset, but Kade got home too late :(