He's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

She's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

He is Growing

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween 2014

This year we actually dressed up for the Pincock family reunion. And we even won some candy for our outfits. I saw this idea in Pinterest and had to do it. Only problem ended up being able to keep makeup on my month old :). He kept rubbing it off :)

I used iron on adhesive and Kade cut up circles while I ironed them on. They slowly fell off, but did the trick.  I ended up using a mad scientist wig because it was cheap. Then I used a can of hairspray dye for the black. It turned out great. 

We ended up going trick or treating for a half hour. It was warm and fun, but we were carrying Lex, so we kept it short.  Next year we will do it longer. The kids got tonz of candy for the shirt trip, a king sized candy bar even.  I was surprised!

Love my kids,

Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

My mustache of a family

Drake got a mustache out of a vending machine. Look how cute everyone is.

Oh, so handsome! I love me a man with some facial hair. :)

These kids make me laugh and melt my heart. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Hunting 10.22.14

This week we ate the last of Kade's deer from last year :(  And surprisingly it is all about how you cook it, because I enjoyed it, and I didn't think I would.

Kade gets a random day off every week along with Sundays, he normally only knows the week of what day he has off.  The last three weeks it has been consistently Wednesdays.  Deer season ends this week, and so he wanted to try and get one.  And with last years meat gone, I was really hoping he would get one.

Being a Wednesday and not having a lot of time in advance, nobody could go with him.  I will not allow him to go alone, I know of too many hunting accidents.  He bravely asked me to come :)  I say bravely because that means me and 3 kids.

Packed up and ready to HUNT!

We are such lucky people that it was super foggy!  When we got up in the mountains I sadly realized we wouldn't be getting our deer this year. :(  Our fault for not trying sooner.
We spent most of the morning watching, waiting, but the fog didn't clear.  On the way back, I spotted a moose, and a 6 point elk.  I guess I can spot anything BUT a deer.

The elk was too far away to see with my camera phone, but he was just laying there begging to be shot!  We watched him for a good 10 minutes before Kade got out of the truck to make sure he wasn't dead.

No luck, but from what we hear, people haven't been seeing a lot of deer.  We will hope for better luck with elk or something, we need to stock our freezer.

Our cute realtree camo hats, I reeeealy hate the way I look in mine, but it is warm.

Yes it is blurry, but so cute.

Lex had to show off his camo as well...sadly the other kids didn't get their picture taken.  

Saturday, October 11, 2014

This weekends project 10.11.14

First off happy birthday to beautiful Emma, you are such a sweet and fun girl. I was thinking of you all day. I can always remember your birthday because I was baptized on this day 17 years ago. CRAZY, how time flys.

I have been looking at our front room wall for a while. I was really unsure what I wanted to do with it. Our tv cabinet although I love it is small and I wanted more decorating options. 

This was the previous setup when we lived here before...I wanted to be able to hang more decorations.

SOOOO.....I found some great inspiration on Pinterest and even got Kade to tell me what he wanted/liked. Let's face it, he did the majority of the work! He is pretty handy and sweet to boot!

Kade was a huge fan of the chains so those had to be included in our shelves. 

This was what we planned, plus some chains. I however didn't love it. After we looked around some more we found this idea 
simply organized: Simple DIY: Floating Shelves Tutorial + Decor Ideas

and came up with adding more wood 1x4s to the front and sides giving it a more floating shelves look. 

I was in love!  I would have been fine leaving them this way but....

We still wanted to add chains not just to stabilize these shelves but to add some character. 

My husband was brilliant and nailed a boarded underneath to hide the router. It's a little shelf on the left where the grey cord hangs out. 

We ran our tv coards through the wall a couple years ago. So the DVD player is the only coards that sticks out. And I put the ottomans in front to make it less obvious. 

I'm so excited and so happy with how it turned out!!!! Now for more decorating!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Lex 1 month

Hey Lex,
So much as happened this month! I have felt every emotion in the book. Describing this month as an emotional roller coaster would be an understatement. But you bring so much joy! We are so glad you joined our family, it is like you've always been here.

You are the hungriest baby I have ever met. If you are not asleep, you are eating there is no in between. You are either snoring or rooting for some milk. 

You have started to smile, it is so so sweet and even giggle in your sleep. 

We don't know much about you yet, but we know you are a mama's boy. When you hear my voice, it can stop you from crying and entertain you until the next time you eat. Just knowing and hearing me calms you down, it makes my heart melt. Daddy still gets his fair share of snuggles though, and he makes sure he gets plenty of time with you. He is a great daddy and loves baby time.

You have been such a great baby. You almost sleep through the night already. You only wake up once or twice to eat, depending on the night. By getting enough sleep you help me be a better mom.

You have been trying to lift your head since birth.  You have great head control, and surprise me by your strength.   

We love you and your delicious kissable cheeks!

The girls loving on you.