He's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

She's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

He is Growing

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Pregnancy Update

So I have decided I'm pretty lucky with this pregnancy. I haven't been sick yet (knock on wood), and I hope it stays that way. Yesterday was 17 weeks, yes not much has changed.

I did get to buy some maternity cloths this past week. I only have some, but its still fun! I decided it was time to buy some, since I can't fit into ANY of my pants. So now I have 3 pairs of pants that I fit into. :D

Yesterday at work there were a couple of firsts. For the first time, someone asked when I was due. I was a little surprised because I am at the stage where it just looks like I have gained a little belly. I told her that was the first time anyone dared to ask me that question. She told me that she was brave. LOL So that was fun, I'm sure I will get many more comments in the days to come. I also was very blessed to feel my baby kick for the first time. I almost cried in front of everyone at work. It is still hard for me to believe that I have a miracle growing inside me. I was in denial until I heard it's little heart beat for the first time. And every time I hear that fast little beat it makes me tear up. It is just amazing to me that in just a few months I will get to hold my little Bingham baby :D We have our next check up this next week where we will schedule our ultrasound...where we may find out the gender of our baby! WAHOO, so excited.

Cars and Trucks

This week has been one Kade has enjoyed. We have been trying to sell one of our 4 vehicles because yes there are only 2 of us. We put a car and our truck on craigslist to see if we could get what we want out of them, well they both sat there for a while. No matter if we dropped the price on them, no one wants to buy a vehicle. So Kade being his bargaining self decided he would see if there was anything he would like to trade our car for. After looking at lots of people vehicles he got his heart set on an old Toyota pickup, that didn't run by the way. But he has wanted a pickup like this forever. He said he owned one once but it wasn't 4 wheel drive. I just let him decide. So we still have 4 vehicles.

When Kade decided this is what he wanted, he had to find a way to get a non functioning vehicle from Rexburg home. Now its not that long of a drive. He got one of his buddies to ride in the Toyota while he towed it home in his GMC. Three hours later going 15-20 MPH, they finally got here. Both of the boys were a little frustrated and glad to be home.

Yesterday I was at work and Kade went to work on his new truck. He spent all day pulling it apart and putting it back together. I think he finally crawled in bed with me around 11.

So this morning he was so excited to take me for a drive. First off I hate getting in this truck, it has a lift on it and I'm tall, just not tall enough. We went around the block a few times and I told him, I can't believe you traded a car that drove nice, for this one. Its a bumpy ride. Oh well its his baby not mine. He is sure proud of it. I was giving him a hard time to say the least. When all of a sudden the front tire came off. Yup, the tire rolled out into the intersection, while we were sitting there bewildered! LOL, there were about a half dozen people who stopped, when they saw what the problem was they laughed and said "that sucks". LOL I just kept thinking, if your going to stop, we don't need your two cents, we know it sucks. Anyways Kade ran down the road and picked up the missing bolts and put it back together. I'm super grateful we were not on a busy road and that Kade has his talents of tinkering and knowing how to fix stuff. I love him, he has such a passion for this sort of thing.

By the way he just came in and informed me that that tire wont be coming off again, unless that is the purpose of course. :D

Here is a picture of the beauty. He really is so proud.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I hate the feeling of not knowing. Nothing is ever certain. Its just a waiting game, endless waiting. Things work out sometimes, but then again I'm never content with sometimes. I wish the road map was a little easier to read? For once I want to know, not guess, no gut feelings, just know for CERTAIN. I feel like hiding till the storm is over. I understand we all have storms in our lives...but how much longer do I have to grasp on like this? There is always a light at the end of the tunnel, we just don't know when we will reach it. I feel like I deserve to know when that light will appear. I don't wanna seem down because I love life, I'm just not certain how much longer I can hang on like this. I just keep praying though, and having faith, that it will all work out.

Friday, June 18, 2010

16 weeks

I am 16 weeks along, FINALLY past that first trimester. It actually has gone rather fast. I hope the rest of it will too. Baby Bingham is due December 3rd 2010. We wont find out the sex until another month or so. When I was younger I never thought I would want to know what I was having, after all its like peaking at a present. But because of events that have happened. I want to be as ready as possible with a name. :D

When Kade and I got a puppy, it took us 4 months to name him...so I would like some heads up if you know what I mean. LOL

Anyways I am so excited, I think I have read everything to try and prepare for this event...I hope it does some good. Cross your fingers :D

Picture of me at 10 weeks, I haven't changed much.
I still don't have much of a belly.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Fun with Fam (long post)

This past week has been a super fun one! We have spent it in Terreton, and yes it has been fun. Adam and Jamie, Kades brother and sister came down to visit from Iowa for about 10 days. They have two little boys who are cuter than buttons (Kaleb and Kaden). They both have smiles that reach ear to ear.

It was a week full of all sorts of things crafts, puppies, motorcycles, four wheelers, fishing, good food, laughter, and lots of catching up. I believe it has been almost a year since we have seen this much family together and it was fun. I have really enjoyed getting to know Kade's brother's family better.
We made it up to Terreton after I was done working. We brought our new little pup Scout, they little kids LOVED him. He got mauled all week long.
Little Scout and Big Chief Playin
We visited most the night and had a yummy dinner, thanks to Jamie and mom :D Steph and Dan (Kade's sister & brother-in-law) showed up later. Dan shared some of his interesting chips that the company he will soon work for makes. Dan and Steph are moving away to Louisianan in about a month and some. We will miss seeing her cute little family. She has 2 kids and a bun in the oven. :D We are about 2 months apart, she is due in October. Anyways good luck to them in their new environment. They currently are in Utah, so a little bit of a change. We will miss being so close. Anyways we all talked and had fun visiting and went to bed.

This day was interesting. The men decided they were going to go fishing up at meadow lake which is quite the drive from mom and dad Bingham's house. So I thought it would be rather late before they made it home. They left around noon, after the women fed and put their kids to bed we had some FUN. We made some homemade cards and envelopes. I honestly went through withdrawals ALL day. I am hardly ever away from Kade because neither of us work much. Anyways i was all mopey and wishing he was home. BLAH I know...but hey we are still honeymooning according to my family :D To make the day seem longer, my dad called and told me my grandpa P was in the hospital in Rexburg, and things didn't look so good. I didn't dare go to the hospital to visit without Kade, so I was just a roller coaster all day (that's okay right? I'm prego) Anyways i did have fun making the cards I learned A LOT. Jamie's sister Chelsea came by to see Kaleb on his birthday and to make some cards as well. The boys ended up coming home sooner than we thought because they couldn't go fishing where they planned due to snow. So they stayed closer to home :D We had yummy homemade pizza and cake to celebrate Kaleb's 3rd birthday. BUSY BUSY DAY. Happy 3rd birthday KALEB! P.S. Kade caught lots of fish, he makes me so so proud LOL :D

The 2 cards and 1 envelope I made
This day would have been really great other than I woke up not feeling good. Kade let me sleep through church, I probably should have gone, but I just felt icky. Later tho I felt better, and things started looking up We enjoyed a big Sunday dinner with whole nine yards. It was pretty much thanksgiving. There was everything on the table you could think of. After dinner Kade and I went down to Rexburg to see my grandpa Pincock in the hospital. He had gone trough a lot the day before so he slept most of the visit. My aunt Kathryn just so happened to be next door to my grandpa. She had some cancerous growth removed from her intestine. It was a good visit with both. When we got home to mom and dad Bingham's Shyla and Tony (Kades sister and brother-in-law) and their 5 cuties were there. We almost had the whole family together. Minus Kevin who is in California on a mission and Jay and Jenny and their 2 boys in Oklahoma. We had a good time catching up, playing on the WII, and playing games. We ate some pie and I swear Kade had 7 pieces. :D

In the early morning Steph and Dan left to go back home. So they missed out on the rest of the week of fun. Around eleven or so we all split up, girls and boys, in separate cars, and went up to see Grandma and Grandpa Bingham and Grandma and Grandpa Meltcalf up in the Moore/Leslie area. It was a fun time being with just the girls, Jamie and I got to talk and learn a little bit more about each other. At G&G Bingham's we had a great time catching up, playing games, and of course eating. :D At the Meltcalf's we had fun visiting, going on a tour of the farm, four wheeling, and playing with some kitties. We got home pretty late but had a good time visiting. Kade and I made our way home Monday night, because of work.
I worked most of the day and Kade and I got some bills paid. We then headed back up to Terreton. When we got there no one was there, so we sat on the front porch swing. No sooner did we hear the roar of four wheelers. We all had fun taking turns, taking different kids on rides on the four wheelers, and playing with the puppy. We then helped make dinner (hamburgers) and the Sauers were there too, so we got to enjoy their company. It was a very enjoyable night.

Kaden playin ball with chief
The boys decided that they were going to go up to eight mile (the place Kade proposed). So Dad, Adam, Kade, and Kaleb all packed there stuff to go on a fun day of four wheelers and fishing. After they left, the girls did some more crafts. Mom made a cute plaque that says always kiss me goodnight, she hung it above her bed, it is so cute. Jamie made Bingham blocks. and i did some seasonal blocks. It was so much fun the time flew and the boys were back before we knew it. They boys came back with quite a few fish, and they seemed to have a really good time. Kaleb I think really enjoyed playing with his dad all day and being with the big boys. Mom then made us some yummy chicken pockets and we just hung out the rest of the night.

The fun blocks have spring on one side and winter on the other :D


Kade and I slept a lot of the day, we were tuckered out. Kaleb got to go hang out with uncle Tony and ride the tractor. When we woke up I worked on my blocks some more, while Kade went to a job interview. I worked on my blocks most the afternoon. Dad Bingham offered to take us into town to go bowling...the Saure's came by and we decided we were going to have a weeny roast instead. So we had a fun night eating weenies and smores. It was lots of fun. We watched a movie afterwords and just visited.

We went to the temple as a big family group on Friday...I already posted a blog about it. But it was a good time. we went to Famous Dave's after the temple and enjoyed the fun environment. Nothing like a full belly :D

It took everyone a while to decide what we had planned for our last FUN day. The girls ended up playing with beads, making jewelry.

The washer necklace I made

The boys
went golfing. After, we all met in town and watched How to Train your Dragon. It was a fun time, we just as many kids as adults, Kade and I ate way too much popcorn. :D Dad bought everyone pizza and we ate at the house and hung out the rest of the night. I went to bed early while everyone else played some games.

Kaleb and Adam outside the movie theater
You can see the Sauer girls runnin up ahead

Adam and his family, Kade and I, and mom and dad went to church in Terreton. After we had a dutch oven dinner with the Sauer family there. We played outside and enjoyed each others company for one last night. Kade even did some crafts with me and his nieces. It was a very enjoyable last night with Adam and Jamie's family.

Kaden playin in the red wagon

little nisha playin on the tramp

The boys shot some hoops, this is Kade showing off :D

Even dad Bingham Enjoyed the pup

little Cameron putting bunny ears on Scout

My favorite, Kaleb holding Scout
Jamie and Adam made their way back to Iowa around 4 am :( It will be sad not seeing them for another year.

It was a great ten days, and I really enjoyed being around family :D

Saturday, June 12, 2010

I love to see the temple

So today started with sleeping in :D I love doing it! Once I drug myself and Kade outta bed we had a pretty good day. We had the opportunity to go to the temple with some of Kades family. His parents, and two of his siblings and their spouses were planning on being there. Well things don't go as planned. It wasn't to bad because everyone ended up at the temple, just not at the same time. But we all got to ENJOY serving in the house of the Lord.
After we went to the temple everyone headed over to Famous Dave's. I was really skeptical at first because BBQ isn't my most favorite thing. But I truly was impressed. It was really good food, good atmosphere, and we all had a great time. Thanks for the fun day FAM!

Saturday, June 5, 2010


So today I worked at the bank in Rigby...I love that branch. Kade came to meet me after work because we were headed to Terreton (his family is in town). I went to give my honey a kiss and I thought I saw a rat in the pickup! Luckily for me it was only a puppy. During the day Kade went and picked a lab puppy. We already have one big lab, but I guess he needs two black knot heads running around our yard. :D The puppy is so cute I couldn't help loving him at first sight.

I'm a little nervous about getting to attached to the fur ball though, our last puppy got really sick and didn't make it to long. So I hope we have better luck this time. Chief our big dog, seems to love Scout. He plays with him, and Scout loves to follow his big brother around. I think its a good match. We will love having both Scout and Chief in our family.
Anyways I'm sure you will get to see lots of pictures of our growing boy.