He's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

She's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

He is Growing

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Thursday, September 25, 2014

Playing Catch Up (Our CraZy August of 14)

I am so behind on this blog and I am sure things are not going to calm down anytime soon.  That means that I will just have to post what I can, when I can.

So much has happened and it all happened at the same time.  Kade was offered a new job in Blackfoot that started the 11th of August, just 15 days before my due date.  After much pondering and prayer we decided this would be the best decision for our family's future.  There was only two weeks before the new job started so...we looked around for a place to live and couldn't find anything very affordable. We were very sad at our findings.  If you recall we own a home in Idaho Falls, close to the temple, that has had renters in it for over two years.

After more prayer, and tears from the prego lady, we felt a push to move back into our home.  We had to give a month notice and so that put us not being able to move in until the first part of September.  This was so close to my due date, so more tears and stress from me.  We felt so much guidance for this move, but it was still hard to accept, even if it was what we needed to do.

We had to figure out what to do next, because we had nowhere to live for 3ish weeks.  I didn't want to live with family because I know how stressful and hard that can be.  I really didn't want to step on toes and be in everyone's hair.  We were in everyone's hair anyway, even if I didn't want it that way.

Kade's parents were so kind and let us borrow their very nice RV, which we parked in my sisters yard for those three weeks.  ~Now the last weeks of pregnancy are super long, this made things even longer and more stretched out. ~  Between my sisters house and my parents we survived.  We had our own place but we had family to make times better.  My kids had a blast being so close to my family for so long, but man I know it wore everyone else out. 

On Saturday, August 23rd, three days before my due date, Kade had a day off so we headed up to box up the trailer house.  Word traveled fast through the ward and before 4 o'clock that day we were ready to move out. I was in shock with how much love and support we received. We have never been able to get a house packed that fast. 

Only problem, we still didn't have a place to move, the renters did end up moving out faster then originally planned and on the 29th (3 days past due date) we were given the green light to move in. 

There were some problems, they had pets, and the house reeked!  They had the carpets cleaned 2x's and it still stunk soooo bad.  We pulled up the carpets and white washed the floors and all the walls in the effected areas.  They had painted the kitchen and I hate the new color, so it still needs work, but we left that for later.  The house is mostly white now with new smelling carpet, it made a huge difference. We were sad we had to do so much work, it caused us to push back our move in date, plus carpet isn't' cheap! :(

My due date came and went, almost a whole week.

I ended up going into labor the last day in August, Lex wanted to make sure that the month of August was as long and drawn out as possible ;)
I ended up giving birth to him on the day that I originally told everyone I was due.  I always go over and I hate when people text and call asking if I have had a baby yet.  So, I just went a week past my due date and told everyone that date...I am a better guesser then the ultrasound.  :D Lex is a lucky boy, he shares his Birthday with Paul and Annie's Anniversary.  It really fits because they were so kind to let us crash for so long at their house, it is a tribute to their awesomeness.

We were still living in the RV when I went into labor.  After Lex was born we stayed at my parents house so they could help me with kids.  Carpet was installed the 5th of September.  On the 6th of September everything was loaded, moved, and put into our home, lots of boxes! On Tuesday the 9th we went up and spent our first night.  Finally, a place of our own!

Basically, there is no progress with the unpacking.  There is so much to unpack and put away, but I'm just sitting here holding my baby and soaking in his baby smell.  I love baby snuggles.  

Saturday, September 20, 2014


Yeah, you could say I feel pretty old. 25 already, I can only imagine how fast 40 will come. As a kid growing up took forever but once I hit twenty, life has hit fast forward it seems. 

Kade spoiled me. He surprised me with a sitter and we took Lex with us to the Maze Runner. It was nice to have a date, I suppose it will be a while before we will be able to swing another. 

My awesome walmart birthday watch!

It's pretty much tradition to get a new walmart watch every year, about when the battery dies. :)  He was worried it was to "young" and "jellybean" for my taste, I like it!

And he surprised me with my all time favorite cake, ice cream cake from DQ! Needless to say I practically ate the whole thing, worth every bite. 

This year I got a birthday present early! I'm happy to share my birthday month with baby Lex, he has kept me going. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Lex 2 weeks

I never remembered having such a happy high after having my two oldest kiddos. Maybe I just can't remember. But I seriously have never felt so blessed and my heart has grown to make room for this little guy. I always heard the third kid is so hard, but other then getting out of the house I find no difference. Maybe number two was such a shock I thought Lex would be much worse. Maybe as he gets older there will be more of a struggle, but it's nice that D&A can help me even if it's just throwing diapers out. But so far so good. We have had so many life changes within the last month I'm hoping life will slow down.

At his two week check he weighed 9#11oz

Five ounces up from last week. 

He is really handsome and I don't feel like pictures do his cuteness justice. But I will keep taking them in hopes I can show him off. 

It's still not a reality that I have three not two!

Monday, September 15, 2014


This cutie is 2 weeks. I hate how fast newborn days fly by.

I'm hoping to publish his birth story soon...it's long, 18+ hours long haha.

Anyway, this morning he peed on me twice. This all happened in the same diaper change. How on earth does his little body produce so much output??? We love little Lex so so much! 

Monday, September 1, 2014

Labor Day Birthday (LONG POST)

Just a warning, I leave nothing out of this post, so if you find birth stories gross, STOP NOW! ;)

On Sunday the 31st of August, we were chilling. I was 5 days past my due date! I decided to shower and try to take a nap because I had been having false labor on and off for a week, always during the night time when I should be sleeping, and always so disappointing when the contractions stopped.   With my hair wet I layed on the couch watching phineas and ferb with the kids. I felt a little trickle of water, my eyes widened and I yelled, Kade! He watched me in awe as I ran to the bathroom, water slowly coming through my pants. I went to the bathroom sat on the toilet and there was a large gush. My water had broken! Kade ran around gathering things for the kids overnight bag and our hospital bag. I was in no hurry. No contractions had started and I figured we had a little time until I felt pain.

My thoughts at this point, I have an hour or two before my labor starts, once it does, I will go fast and have my sweet baby here before the day is through. After all this was my third and my first two were fast and never more then 5 hours of labor.  My hopes and thoughts couldn't have been more wrong.

Me on the drive to the hospital.

Around 2 we arrived at the hospital. I was gsb positive and they started me on antibiotics pretty quickly. After answering a ton if questions They checked me for the first time around 4. I was at a 2 with 50% effaced. I hadn't had any regular contractions and the ones I had I didn't feel much. I knew again it would be a while because I hadn't' started labor.   

After two rounds of antibiotics they let me start walking around hoping it would bring labor. The rule was 5 hrs after my water broke if I didn't progress I would have to have intervention. They let me go longer then that. They checked me at eight and I was at a 3.5 with 75% effaced. So they let me keep trying to bring labor on myself because I had shown signs of progressing. At this point I could feel baby contractions they were far apart and not consistent at all. 

At this point I was discouraged that everything was taking so long. I haven't ever had a problem progressing. Plus I was 5 days past due. I figured my body and baby would be ready. 

At around 11 I was checked again. Was barely a four and still 75% effaced??? I want progressing. Did I mention all this time was spent walking circles around the hospital?  I think we wore the carpet down....

3 am and I was at the same place. Just at a four...contractions were getting stronger but they were still far apart and not consistent. They gave me the news that it was time to start pitocin.  Kade and I talked about it and figured we might as well not fight it, after all, I was tired of being pregnant and tired of walking, they started me on the lowest dose. I talked with the nurse and asked what the odds would be of having a natural birth with no epidural while being on pitocin?  She told me in her many years of experience she had never seen anyone do it.   That was disheartening, but labor was already not what I expected it to be, so I thought maybe I could do it still....another hr went by with no progress. So they bumped up the pitocin. And in another hour I was bumped up one more time. Then the contractions started. 

They were terrible. They were the strongest ones I have ever felt. I never had that strong of contractions unless I was in transition and ready to push. I was checked again I was at a 5 and still 75% effaced. It was around 6am. I was so discourage that I only was to a 5 so I asked for some iv medication. Which helped me for about a half hour. It started to wear off quickly and I started to be negative about how I couldn't make it through. They checked me again and I was still the same. I was crying more like sobbing at the fact that my body wasn't reacting how I wanted it to. I felt like I couldn't keep going it had already been 17 hours. The midwife explained that at 18 hours after membrane rupture that they would be worried about infection, especially since I had the gsb. So I had an hour before we started talking more drastic interventions, things like c section. Looking back I really think they were trying to scare me, but my normal midwife was out of town for the holiday, and she wasn't very happy about how everything was handled.  

They believed baby was face up and unable to turn and that was why I want progressing. Worried and being in so much pain I gave in. I asked for an epidural. I cried during the whole thing. I felt like I had chosen comfort over what was best for baby. TOTALLY CRAZY HORMONES! But I still wonder if I would have waited just a little longer if he would have come just as fast. I had the anesthesiologist come in  around 6:45. While sitting up and having it placed I stared feeling super nauseous and that is always a sign that I am hitting transition, but nothing was the same for this labor so I figured it was a reaction to the pitocin.  The anesthesiologist was super quick and awesome, I felt like a hundred bucks after it was placed.  I was numb they told me to try and sleep, they figured it would be a while.  They left me alone.  Kade immediately fell asleep BUT I couldn't sleep at all.  I was having strange pressure. I couldn't be ready to push already?  I was at a 5 a few minutes ago?  I waited almost a half hour before I got the nerve and called the nurse back in. After all I couldn't possibly be ready to push..one look and they grabbed gloves and the on-call midwife.   I had them grab a mirror as well, with Drake I was able to watch in the mirror, and it was super cool, so I wanted the chance again.  As soon as everyone was in place I started to push I believe it was close to 7:20. At 7:27am Mr. Lex Logan Bingham was born! 

They held him up and Kade yelled enthusiastically that it was a boy. It was the coolest thing, finding out at birth. I was sure he was a girl and couldn't believe it.   I was overjoyed to have another boy.  

The nurse joked that it took so long for Lex to come because we kept calling him a girl.  It took days for it to sink in that it was a boy and not a girl.  I had only washed girl cloths in preparation for the birth and the boy clothes were still in storage, that is how positive I was that he was a girl.  

I fed him right away and he latched like a champ. Baby's cord was attached to the side of my uterus and I guess when that happens the cord is weaker. Once the placenta finally was delivered there was a large hole where the cord was tearing off from the placenta.  Because of the hole the midwife almost pulled out the cord without all of the placenta. Which could have caused major infection and problems. 

What a large boy! 9pounds 6ounces, 21.5 inches long,  I didn't need stitches wahoo! Recovery was so slow and I never remembered being so sore. But I didn't remember labor being that horrible, I felt as though I was being ripped in half, like I was going to die.  My cramping after was terrible, as bad as some of my contractions.  But we made it! 

They told me that often when baby is face up during delivery an epidural can relax your uterus enough to let them turn. They thought he was face up and that is why I didn't progress.  Or maybe I was closer then I thought to delivery and I just needed another half hour??? Who knows!

I had to stay at the hospital for 2 days, he was a big boy and they wanted to monitor his blood sugar to make sure he wasn't diabetic.  Also I was GSB positive with my membrane being ruptured for a long time, all of those reasons made for a long hospital stay.  Lucky for baby I had 3 rounds of antibiotics for GBS to help keep him safe.

I visited with my midwife when she got back from vacation, I really wished she would have been in town!  That was the biggest letdown, not having her help me through labor.  I absolutely think the world of her and the other midwife was okay, but not the support I needed.  She told me if she would have been in town and notified she would have told me to stay at home until 24 hours or until my labor started on its own.  She wouldn't have made me come in and spend time in the hospital, and then I would't have had pitocin and other interventions until I needed them.  So for the next labor I will know better :)

We are so blessed to have Lex and even though labor didn't go as planned he is here, he is healthy, and we love him.

Now does anyone know when the pain from the epidural insertion goes away?  

Eating our Birthday Dinner, it was some yummy steak!

Baby holding dads hand!


My wonderful Grandparents, G&G Kunz

Lex's Grandparents 

I LOVE this picture, dad and son

mom and son

Sister kisses

they were so excited and in aww

just the three of us

YAY, we are a family of 5, I am so full of love and joy!