He's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

She's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

He is Growing

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Trecia/Temple/Baby Announcement

Trecia went through the Temple tonight. It was fun to see all the siblings there. We are all getting excited for the wedding on Friday.

We went out to chili's after. It was yummy, and fun to hang with the whole family + Jake's parents.

Drake showed up in his outfit that read "I'm gonna be a BIG brother"!

I love this pic! Drake looks like he is either so happy, or screaming :D

Dad saw it and didn't believe it. He said, "is your mom announcing something"? I told them yes...there was a pause. Then they asked "REALLY"? I said "really", they all were shocked, then Cortnie was all excited and hugged me. Makel and Ean congratulated me. So some of us are excited :D I hope I didn't take away to much from Trecia's exciting night. I just rather tell them today than them see me at the wedding in a tight dress and figure it out. (I wanted to hide it as long as I could, because I am sure I will get called crazy, but with this baby there is no hiding. Baby #2 is a lot higher and I think a lot more noticeable).

On Memorial Day (yesterday) we told Kade's parents. They were very excited. They were worried they weren't going to get a grandchild this year...I guess we made that deadline. LOL

We went to a midwife in Rexburg that we loved. We have an appointment with another midwife in IF. I am hoping with like the Idaho Falls gal, because I really don't want a half hour drive while in labor. Especially since Drake was so fast, I might have baby #2 in the car lol.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Drake's Dance

I think the toward the end is the funniest part. To me everything my boy does is cute.

Every time he hears music while he is in his walker he does this forEVER.


10 Week Belly Shot

I know you just saw a pic of my belly. I like to take a picture at least every 10 weeks so here I am.

Continue in Patients

Yesterday Kade and I started the day with going to church. I love how the spirit is there telling you things you need to hear. I felt like the lessons, and talks were all just for me. There is such inspiration when it comes to the things they teach. In relief society we had a lesson on President Uchtdorf's conference talk called continue in patients. It helped strengthen me in knowing that everything is in Gods time, and that you learn more in the waiting than you do in the receiving of blessings.  You can't always see how your journey is blessing you. I understand that I complain a lot but I am grateful for all I have in my life, I am abundantly blessed!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

to continue ups and downs

We just got back from burying Chief. I think he is one of the best dogs I have ever had. He got hit by a truck, I guess the second time is the charm. I will really miss him. He made my house feel safe in this neighborhood. We love you boy. Hope it is true that all dogs go to heaven.

Ups and Downs

When one thing goes wrong it always seems like EVERYTHING goes wrong. I don't want to complain because I am abundantly blessed. I am just going to list some of the things that have gone on as of late.

First off our water heater broke!!! On the day of Trecia's bridal shower I got in to a cold shower and the heater hasn't worked for more than a week. You get about a 2 minute shower before it turns to ice. I am so lucky my husband is handy because it will be eventually fixed, for 20 bucks instead of 300. But we are kinda leaning towards a new one...because we can only take one hot shower in an hour. With 4 people in the house that makes Sunday morning NO fun.

Kade has yet to find a steady job that he doesn't have to travel the states for. Thanks to all of you who have kept your eyes and ears open. He has applied for a bunch of jobs thanks to the help of friends and family. We will see what turns up.

Our van is on the fritz. We need a new battery for it. You have to charge it all night, or jump it to use it.

Brad and Nikki are talking about moving. It will be great for them, but I will loose my cheap babysitter. :( We will see what happens.

But lots of things are looking up too, not everything is negative. Kade scored a free car, that doesn't run. But if you know Kade he tinkers enough to get things fixed.

Trecia is going through the temple on Tuesday, and married Friday. I am so excited for her and Jake.

Kade put a couple shelves up in our laundry room/walk in closet. It is looking good. I am excited to have a huge closet to put all my cloths in.

Kade and I have been able to spend lots of time together. I love it. Drake loves it too.

We have a small source of income thanks to my job. Even if it isn't a glamorous job, it is money.

Plus our family has a big secret that I am so excited to share. But I have to wait a little longer to spill.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Trecia's Bridal Shower

Trecia had her bridal shower yesterday. It was really fun to see everyone that came. Most all of both sides of the family were there. Plus my best friend since birth Sara Cody, made an appearance with her mother and grandma. It was really fun. My grandpa Kunz was really funny, he spent a lot of time there as well. Anne Marie hosted it at her home.

I feel bad because I didn't even think to take pictures :( Until everyone left that is.

Trecia will be getting married in the IF temple on Friday June 3rd...I am excited for her.

Friday, May 20, 2011

1.5 Years

Kade and I celebrated our 18th month anniversary today. We did so by watching The Chronicles of Narnia the Voyage of the Dawn Treader. For our very first date we watched Narnia Prince Caspian, it was a fun coincidence.

I love you Kade!
Thanks for being everything and MORE!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Pizza Hut

Yesterday I went to a job interview. Yes, on Kade's birthday. Well looks like I will be a cook, making pizza at the HUT. It is a job, those are hard to come by, we will see how I like it. :D My first day is Thursday the 26th and I am mighty nervous. It will help with the bills, but I will miss being home with little Drake all the time.

On Tuesday night I was thinking of how we really needed some kind of a miracle. I got a call the next morning (Kade's Birthday) Pizza Hut wanted me to come in for an interview. So with in a day, I had a JOB. It was quite a miracle.

I am very blessed. I should say my family is very blessed, we know it, and we are grateful.

Looks like I will be getting my fill of pizza.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Happy 23rd

Happy Birthday Kade! You are now even older! I still love you tho.

For Kades birthday, we didn't do anything fun. Both stayed home from work, so we hung out at the house all day. I know, we should have planned something. But I am not good at surprises, or planing fun things. I think he was disappointed. But for dinner we went to Terreton, and ate with his parents and Shyla and Tony's family. We had steak, cake, and watched Kade open presents.

Kade showing off his popup birthday card from Kaitlynn. It says how old he is...very cute and clever Kaitlynn :D

Little man and dad waiting for the candles to be lit.

Kade blowing out his candles. You can see the smoke in the pic...WOW

Tony got Drake to really laugh a lot. We have a video! Sorry most of it is turned sideways, I don't know how to work my video player or the editor yet. SomeDAY.

Happy Birthday Kade, I love you so much.
Little Drake adores you and is a daddys boy for sure.
You always make me smile and laugh.
You make my days happy, and worth it.
Thanks for being you, you are amazing.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Give me a little tongue

I believe Drake must be close to teething. He drools like crazy, always sticking out his tongue, and sticks everything in his mouth (especially his fist/fingers). Here are some pictures, because you gotta love pictures.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Midwife/Babies First Ultrasound/8 weeks

I went to the midwife today! I loved meeting her and I feel like this is the way I want to go with this pregnancy. I think I rather deal with a midwife instead of a Doctor. She was so nice and way easier to talk to. IDK, she is in Rexburg and that is a little bit of a drive.

I went in thinking I was 9 weeks, and I am still pretty sure I am right. I calculated that I was due Dec 13th, but they said I am due Dec 22nd....the say the ultrasound is a great guesser. So it looks like I am exactly 8 weeks today. HMM...with Drake I was right on, so it is hard for me to want to believe the midwife, but she is a professional and I am not, so we changed my due date:( that means I have to wait and extra 2 weeks. Sad day.

Here are some ultrasound pictures. She was really funny, she thought that I was having twins. She kept looking around my tummy for another baby but couldn't find one. She said that the picture of the umbilical cord is a really rare shot unless there are 2 babies. But no luck at finding two, so I think I am safe to say we are only pregnant with one. (I am okay either way if the Lord thinks I can handle it than I will give it a try).

This is the umbilical shot, the rare one. The ball is the baby, and the thick line is the umbilical cord going from the baby to the embryonic sac. COOL I think.

This is a full body shot with the babies measurements, it shows that the baby measures exactly 8 weeks.

This is the last picture. It is a full body shot too. But you can see its arm and leg buds. I think the baby looks like a gummy bear. The midwife kept calling the baby cute. I thought that was a funny thing to call the little person.

ME at Eight Weeks
I'm still pudgy from Drake.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Tomorrow we have our first prenatal appointment for this little (grape) sized baby. I am excited. We are going a completely different rout for this child. I always thought midwifes were for those crazy extreme women who want at home births.  I have had family members who have used a midwife in a hospital and LOVED them. Because I had a not so great experience with my Dr. during delivery, I decided I wanted to go the midwife route.

For some reason I thought the Dr. would be there when I was in labor and at the hospital. He just showed up the last few minutes to catch the baby and cut his cord. I guess if he was there the whole time he would live at the hospital LOL, but I just expected more of his time. After all we did pay him a lot!!!

There is my explanation for why I am choosing a midwife. I want someone to be a part of my whole pregnancy and them have them there for labor and delivery. I think I will also like that it is a woman. I think I will feel more comfortable asking those "awkward" questions.

I will be having this baby "if all goes well" at Madison Memorial Hospital, in Rexburg, with a midwife, and a Dr. on call if anything goes wrong.

I am very excited to meet with my midwife tomorrow to see how I like her personality. Yay, for babies.

Hair Cut

Drake has a funny little spot on the back of his head that has a lot of hair. When he would wake up from a nap it was always sticking strait up. It was cute, but I decided his hair should all be the same length. When Drake fell asleep last night, Kade took the scissors to him. You can't tell much of a difference but it is now even. He is getting so big, I can't believe he is 5 months. Drake is so special and I love him a lot. I have been working on the final draft of his birth story, so I hope before he is 6 months I'll have it posted.

I cannot believe how much he eats, he is always hungry. I am hoping he will start to like baby food soon, maybe that will sustain him longer than milk. That way he wont be constantly eating. We have permission from the preradiation just not from Drake. :D SO far he hates anything in his mouth that he doesn't put there.


Spring is finally peaking through the ground. It has been raining a lot here lately and it has made our lawn a beautiful color of green. Kade actually just got done cutting the grass, oh, what a lovely smell. Drake and I sat on the trampoline (in the shade) and enjoyed the warm weather. I love being able to sit outside without a jacket. With the sun shining I think of all the fun things you can do in the summer time. It really makes me want to go play on a boat, swim in the cold water, run barefoot, and just enjoy playing outside. Yay, summer is almost here. I'm so excited!

Monday, May 2, 2011

A love poem for me.

While Kade has been away from home for his job, he always makes sure I know he is thinking of me.  I love Kade so much and I am so glad that he shares his feelings for me...because I am one that needs to be told sweet things.  

Although he didn't write this poem he dedicated it to me.  Love you honey...miss you so much.  Be safe and come home soon.

Honeymoon Nov 2009

How Much I Love You by Khabat
You've changed my life from a blink of the eye
The feeling in this heart of mine I cannot deny
You've made each day one I'll never forget
Everything we go through I will never regret

You are the gold I will treasure till the end
You are my soul mate and my best friend
You've done so much for me which I'm thankful for
You will always mean the world to me and so much more

You are my guardian angel sent from Heaven
The best thing in my life - my sexy number eleven
You are the meaning to the word love
My heart agrees and so would any dove

You have chased away every single fear
You are my tissue that'll wipe away any tear
You've given me life that I could live worthwhile
Thank you for the laughs and every smile

My days are a dream that has come true
Every day is beautiful all thanks to you
Now I have found what I've been looking for
It's you heart and soul and nothing more

You've showed me the world in such short time
But we've got the rest of our lives - a whole lifetime
Ill end this line with something you should already know
I love you so much more than these words show

Sunday, May 1, 2011

New Camera

Kade's good camera broke a couple months back. I have been sad because we had to use my camera. Mine isn't bad, but Kade's was a lot nicer. I loved the quality of pictures his Samsung took. It was a 10 megapixel camera, where mine was 6. I eventually want a big nice one, but we can't afford it right now. So we replaced Kade's with a Coolpix Nikon camera. It is the same as the one Kade's parents have. We got an excellent deal or we wouldn't have gotten it. It is 14.1 megapixels, with HD video, and it is touch screen. I'm not sure about the touch screen, but I am very excited to get to know this camera. :D I love to take pictures if you haven't noticed by my blog.


If anyone has noticed my husband has had a hard time with work lately. I think it is because heavily father is trying to politely tell us we need to go to school. But hey, I refuse to push Kade to go because unless he wants to be there he won't do the homework and I don't want to pay for school unless he finishes a degree, just sayin.

The last couple of jobs we have run into different kinds of problems. The latest one we were not getting paid, at all. It took 2 months before a first paycheck, after that we had to bug our employer for at least a week to get each check, that is after he would owe us one. NO JOKE. That was a really scary/risky business.

The one before last Kade got laid off, right after Drake was born. I had no idea what we were going to do, I had just quit my job. Oh, but God watches over us.

I just feel like when things start going well, our lives take a noes dive.

Kade got a job offer, and so now he will be doing something else. :D He will be doing cleaning and restoration for a company that travels (they clean temples). It is going to be a hard thing for me. He will be gone for weeks at a time. It is a paycheck, and it will be consistent. Plus he is planning to start school in the fall, so this isn't permanent.

Even when it is raining, there is always some sun patiently waiting to appear.

Love you Kade, keep your head up!