He's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

She's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

He is Growing

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Saturday, October 30, 2010

costume party / reunion

So today we celebrated Halloween. My Pincock side of the family decided to have a costume party. It was really fun to see all the cute ideas that people had. Kade and I didn't know about the party till the day before so we didn't get a chance to throw an outfit together. (I didn't want to buy one, and I didn't have time to make one). Oh well next year I hope to be better prepared, plus I hope to not be 8 months prego. I only got a picture of my sister and her boyfriend. But everyone looked so cute.

Woody & Jesse

After the party Kade and I were going to carve pumpkins and have our own fun...but I got a migraine and was getting sick so I went to bed. Now we have un-carved pumpkins, we will have to do a post party :D

That was our Halloween celebration.

Monday, October 25, 2010


This last Friday I went to croptoberfest! I went with mama Bingham, Shila, and Lyssa. It is held every six months at the Red Lion. It was a fun and I got quite a bit done. But I also don't mind if I touch another scrapbook for a little while :D

On Friday we got there around 3 and scrap booked until 1 in the morning. They feed you so you never even have to leave the building. The next morning we didn't start till about 9 because we slept in, and I ended up going home around 7. Kade decided he couldn't share me any longer, so he came and got me. But I got lots of work done and had a blast with the girls ;)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Dr. Apt

Today I am 33 weeks!!! And the last 10 weeks are dragging by. I was so shocked to find that I gained 6 pounds in 3 weeks. The thing that bothers me is that I don't eat that much, but my baby is healthy, that's what matters.

I had been feeling great and not uncomfortable, but I jinked myself because I was well into the third trimester and wasn't feeling any different and I was bragging about it :D So NOW I have some added pains, but it was expected, just not wanted. This last week the baby's head has dropped down. So every time I stand up or walk around there is so much added pressure to my pelvis. Now that his head is descending I have to go to the bathroom SO much more often. I wake up at least 3 times in the middle of the night. Where as before, I could go the whole night without waking up and just have to go to the bathroom early in the morning. So there is a change. He is also kicking my ribs a lot, but at least his feet up there and he isn't breech.

Other than that I still feel pretty good. After my next appointment I have to go to the Doctor every week and now I am no longer allowed to go more than an hour away from the hospital. So I am getting closer and more EXCITED, but with excitement comes NERVES!


So I was tagged by Kari on 8 questions, like forever ago and I finally found time to answer :D

1. When I find that I am running out of time the item I skip in my morning schedule is? Why?

Probably eating breakfast. I know it's the most important meal, but it's hard enough finding something I want to eat especially if I'm in a rush.

2. What is your favorite color? How long has it been your favorite and why?

Green, it has been my favorite since I was young. I love this color because it's just so pretty on everything.

3. In your picture folders post the 6th picture of the 4th folder. You can go down the list or across if you have your photos as icons.

This picture was the day Trecia graduated. These are my two sisters. Anne Marie and I were so much taller than Trecia we were squatting so she didn't look so short LOL!

4. What color is your hair? Do you dye it? If yes, why? Do blondes really have more fun?

Right now my hair is a darker brown. It was blond and I decided to go BLACK! HAHA, it washed out pretty quickly. So now it's in the middle. I Dye my hair because I like to change the way I look, and Kade doesn't want me to cut my hair to short...so I am stuck with just the dying thing. Yes, blondes have more fun, blond is too pretty not to have fun.

5. If you had mis-matching socks on all day and no one could see that they didn't match would that bother you? Explain.

No, It wouldn't bother me. I do it all the time. My husband helps me fold the laundry and he doesn't pay attention to anything other than if they are kinda close. So they are never matches.

6. Would you rather find yourself in a fight with a grizzly bear or a tiger?

Neither, but maybe a bear cuz then I could play dead, and maybe survive. :D

7. Name one pet peeve that other people do that drives you crazy and explain, then name a pet peeve you think others might have about you.

It drives me crazy when people shush me. Mostly because it makes way more noise most of the time when they shush than the noise I'm making. If I'm being to loud and they were just to tell me to quiet down, I would respect them and do so.

I probably drive people crazy when I talk to much, cuz I do that a lot...just ramble on and on and on. And sometimes I am a know it all...which I know drives my hubby crazy.

8. Tell about funniest thing that has happened to you recently.

This is both embarrassing and funny,
The other day I was working at the bank. One of the ladies was throwing out name ideas. She asked me if I liked the name Stewart. I told her no, I would never name my child that. And she laughed and said me neither, just throwing it out there. A client that was in the bank but with another teller piped up and said "hey, that's my name." There was a hush over the bank and everyone sat there very awkwardly. Luckily he was just kidding and no feelings were hurt. LOL but it gave everyone a bit of a scare. hehe

The end, thanks for the fun.