He's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

She's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

He is Growing

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Monday, September 27, 2010

Baby Update

Today I had a doctors appointment. I am now 30 weeks. ABOUT 10 TO GO!!!! I'm very excited and nervous. Today I had my glucose test to see if I have gestational diabetes. To pass, my blood sugar had to be 140 or lower to not have to redo my test....well it was 140! Scared me, I hate scraping by like that, and I didn't want to have to redo it. BUT I passed even if it was just barley. Everything still looks normal, I am so grateful for normal.

We are still taking Lamaze classes, only two more weeks of them :( I will miss them because I love spending hours talking about my baby and all the things that are going on and will go on with my body. Its wonderful, I am learning a lot...it shows me just how much I miss going to school.

It is strange because all the girls that got pregnant around the same time I did are starting to have their baby's. It makes me sad because time is just dragging by. I know it will be life changing but I can't wait until I can hold my little one.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Perfect 21

Today was amazing! My husband knows how to spoil me that's for sure.

This morning I had to go to work! Even if it was my birthday. Once there the girls at the branch spoiled me. They had decorations up, so everyone that came to the teller line told me happy birthday. They all brought food, it was great getting attention. I also got gifts from them. It was so sweet. I feel like they are a second family to me. I got body butter, lotion, candy, and some cute Jesus magnets.

After work I had to hurry home because we had Lamaze class and we were going to be late. Kade called and told me his truck was broke down so I was going to pick him up. When I got home I went inside to get him. I walked in and the house was cleaned. WoW! I was excited. Kade had got work off and had worked his butt off at home. I turned and saw dinner was on the table. He told me we would be a little late to Lamaze because I had to eat my birthday dinner. There was candles and we had cider in wine glasses...it was a cute romantic set up. After dinner, Suzie and Liz came over to eat ice cream cake and watch me open presents. All I can say is Kade spoiled me. He broke the candle my mother in law gave me so he had a replacement. I got the new house season, a candle warmer, a how to crochet book, vinyl, cricut mat and tools, yarn, a book called the hunger games, lots of candy, a temple dress and slip that I can wear being prego, a big mirror, a frog decoration, and piano lessons. I hope I didn't forget anything. I feel super spoiled.
After cake we caught the last hour of Lamaze class. Came home and watched the Prince of Persia that i also got. We enjoyed Suzie and Liz's company. Now its off to bed :D.
Love you Mr. Kade thanks for making my day perfect!

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Today after church we went down to Blackfoot. Wray my brother was having a birthday and my parents were making dinner to celebrate not just his, but mine as well. His is today, "happy birthday Wray Wray!" Mine is tomorrow. We got to enjoy yummy food and pie :D

My mother and father gave me a cute maternity shirt and a gift card to jc pennies. Which I plan to save until after the baby when I am in need of more clothing. Clothes are the best!

After we spent time with my family, Kade's parents wanted us to swing up to Terreton for another party. No, not just for me. Kade's oldest sister Shyla shares my birthday. I think its super fun. I wont ever forget her birthday, that's for sure. I got some more stuff. I received a candle warmer, some vinyl backing for my cricut, a candle, some home made earrings, and some yummy treats -that i already ate LOL-.

We had cake and I blew out all of my candles. So no more baby's for me this year. In Kade's family, when candles remain, that's how many baby's you will have that year, or boyfriends...whatever they feel like :D

And the parting didn't stop there. When I got home I got the best present ever! (no offense to all the presents I received and will receive.) I got a knock at my door and who would be standing there???? My bestie Suzie!!!! I for one thought she was living in California...but with no notice she hopped in her car and moved back home! I love this girl and am excited that she will be here, I hope to stay. Luv you girL! Her mother was teasing me. She thought it was funny to watch a pregnant lady jump up and down like a crazy person! LOL Thanks everyone for a great day!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Just a good day

Not much is new in our lives. But that will change soon enough.

Today I got to sleep in with my wonderful hubby. I love him so much!

Kade's parents came by to work on the house. I thought it was just Kade and dad working...but I got some work in too.

Kade's mom helped me tidy things up around the house. It has been a construction zone for a while now and it was too messy. I was so glad for her help. In years past I would have been embarrassed to let her help me. But I feel differently now that I'm to tired to function, let alone clean up. We got the living room really clean...I don't even recognize it LOL. The rest of the house still needs help but my kitchen is always fairly clean so I am feeling pretty good.

Kade and Dad worked on the baby's room. Right now our laundry room is downstairs in the scary part of my house. Every time I go to do laundry I feel like I am going to fall to my death on those stairs. So I begged Kade to find a place up here. So we are making the bigger of the two rooms smaller for convenience. They are making such great progress.

While we were cleaning, Kade and dad went to town to get more supplies and they left the back gate open...letting the dogs run free. By the time I realized this, they were long gone. So I went to find my boys. They were like 3 blocks down, and I was grumpy once I got them home, I blame it on the hot weather. :D

We went to lunch at olive garden a little after that. It was really enjoyable to sit and chat with the in laws. They are great people! Love them!

Mom and I did get to do a little shopping around for fun. After we headed down to Blackfoot. Where we had fun with some friends. Heather and Brett. Kade knew Brett from the MTC and I know Heather from high school. We went bowling (which my sciatic nerve didn't like) and then went to Rupes after. I really had fun. It was a great night.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Labor day, how hard can it be?

Yesterday I had a doctor appointment. Nothing new, everything is looking great! I'm growing and keeping on track to where I am supposed to be. I am now 27 weeks!!! Getting close to my third trimester. I have another appointment coming up in a couple weeks where I have to have the glucose test. I'm not excited about drinking that sugary stuff, oh well, life goes on I suppose. Yesterday Kade and I went to our first Lamaze class! I was so pumped when we got done, I was thinking that I was going to be able to handle all the labor pains. But this morning I woke up with pain and I tried some things to help me calm down...the more things I tried the more I thought OH BOY I'm in some hot water if I can't handle a little bit of pain. So maybe drugs will be the way to go for me. LOL We will burn that bridge when we get there.

This labor day weekend was short for me. I ended up working Saturday. Kade had Friday and Monday off. It was a sad thing because I only got to hang out with him on Sunday and Monday. So just a regular weekend for me. Kade was busy working on his red truck, so he didn't mind me not being there. On Monday we went for a four wheeler ride with Kades parents. We then went down to the fair. I had some good food and enjoyed myself...even if I have blisters in between my toes from my flip flops. LOL Over all it was a good weekend. Check out the shirt that I got!

On Friday we had another addition to our family. Ever since our little puppy got sick and passed we have wanted another dog so Chief wouldn't be lonely. We needed a dog that was already grown up so he wouldn't get sick. We have been on a search and finally found a dog we like. His name is Oatie. We may change his name. For now I call him Fluffy, Toto, and Simba. I don't know what we will decide. But he is a cute little addition to our family.