He's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

She's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

He is Growing

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Sunday, September 13, 2015

EISF 2015

We braved the fair this year. Kade's work had a booth and he got me in free for a night or two, 5 and under are free so we thought why not?!? 

We made a deal with the kids they could choose one ride. Drake wanted a train ride and Addyson was obsessed with the Ferris wheel. I don't know how she even knew what one was, but when we started talking about visiting the fair that is ALL she could talk about. We let them each ride the train and we all, except Lex road the Ferris wheel. 
The kids had to have an adult with them to ride. So naturally girls and boys split up. 

I fully expected her to cry because it was high and pretty fast....instead she loved it and was majorly bummed when it slowed down to unload. 

This is the little train...I guess u can't see what they are riding on. 
Trecia and Jake helped with kids!!! They were awesome. 

We had fun, got cotton candy (which they hatted) and some Carmel apples.