He's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

She's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

He is Growing

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Thursday, September 29, 2011

7th Month

I am now seeing the midwife every other week. That means my pregnancy is coming to an end. I have been in my third trimester for a little over a week.

I had my glucose test today. To pass the test and not have to retake the overly sugary drink, your levels have to be 140 or below. My glucose level was at 90, so there are no problems there! They also did an iron test to check my levels, and they want them to be at least 12 and mine are at a 12.5, so I also have good iron levels it looks like.

I am now 29 weeks, when she measured my tummy I was measuring at 28 weeks. Either the baby is small, or I will have her a little later. I really wish my due date wouldn't move back and forth on me so much. But if she comes late that is okay with me, that way labor and delivery wont interfere with finals.

Total weight gain as of now is 10 pounds. The pounds are starting to pile on faster now that I am getting closer to the due date.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so jealous! Haha, I wish I was as far along as you are. Cute belly shot :)
