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She's Growing Up

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He is Growing

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Monday, November 15, 2010

Still 37 weeks

So I wrote a blog about being 37 weeks because I was excited to be considered FULL TERM!!! Well I went into the doctor today, thinking nothing has changed. Maybe nothing has. I did gain 5 pounds!!!! I was so shocked. I didn't gain any the week before, so I was is awe at how much I put on. ANYWAY I am dilated to a 1 :D :D :D Okay, Okay, I know, I know, that could mean absolutely nothing! It was rather funny though because after the doctor left the room, Kade got all worried. I wasn't very excited about the news, I was horrified! Even though it may still be a month away the realization hit BOTH of us, and it scared the CRAP outta me. Kade was reassuring. He reminded me that it's good news, it may mean nothing, and the baby has to come eventually.

Now that I am home, I am very excited. This means that I am close to being done with pregnancy (the uncomfortable stage) and move on the the being a mommy. I have wanted to be a Mommy all my life.

I am very excited to meet you little one!

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