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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Christmas Tree Hunting

I am SO excited for Christmas this year. It will be our 2nd Christmas being married, and our first with baby Bingham.

Last year Kade went Christmas Tree Hunting without me. I had to work. :( This year was different. He had me come along, even being 9 months pregnant. We went with his sister and her 5 kids. We got stuck, didn't get done till dark, what an adventure.

I even got out of the pickup and went trudging up the hill with everyone. Look at the big ol' hill we climbed.

I didn't end up going the whole way up, or picking out the tree. Kade did a great job. He picked out a great one, chopped it down, and drug it down the hill. WHAT A MAN! It was a work out for me, very cold, but a wonderful experience.

After being out in the cold, we enjoyed some hot chocolate. Shyla thinks of EVERYTHING!

We had the pleasure of having Kaitlyn *Kades oldest niece* ride with us. IT WAS SUPER FUN!

After we went over to Shyla and Tony's for some dinner. Kades parents ended up joining the fun as well. By the end of the night everyone had had fun and we were all POOPED!

CUTE little Emma :D


  1. fun times! a few years ago we went tree hunting with the sauer's too. It was a blast. Glad you got to go this year!

  2. I am jealous! I can't wait until David and I can go cut down our tree, how fun. And I love your pink decorations.
