He's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

She's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

He is Growing

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Be Prepared

This was to adorable not to post! Kade told me I shouldn't post it because he was afraid people might think he didn't know how to diaper a child. He didn't want people to think he needed to practice before the baby came. LOL it's so cute. The dog got into the diapers and ruined one, so we decided to use it on her. She was so cute with it on, I didn't want her to chew it off!

She was showing off!

Kade putting on the diaper

Kade was cuddling her after, because she was sad she had to wear it.

Bulleted List
Princess modeling the diaper. :D

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