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He is Growing

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Friday, November 12, 2010

37 Weeks

I am now considered FULL TERM!!! Doctors appointment on Monday...nothing new I am sure. It is just a big waiting game. Seriously what people say about the last month dragging is SOOOOOOOO true.

A lady that use to be my YW leader offered to be a doula for me. Which is someone to help me through labor so I can try and get through it without medication. People may thing I am crazy, but the more research I do on epidurals the more I don't like them. I am not against them, and if I decided it is the best thing in the moment then, I will not be opposed to getting one. I just know that a woman's body is made to give birth, and I want to do whats best and most safe for me and my baby.

P.S. Baby Bingham, I am so excited to meet you little one. I love you so much already. I thought I knew what love was when I met my wonderful Kade...I find out more and more each day that there is always a deeper kind.

A Picture Of All 3 Of Us

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