He's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

She's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

He is Growing

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Use your words.

I tell Drake quite often, use your words, when he whines or makes noises and points.  He has become quite easy to understand, and when he is upset, I love that he can speak to me about what is bugging him.  Today, he bit me and I slapped his hand and told him no!  He immediately started crying he said, "mommy that's not nice"!  He has picked up on a lot and I am impressed by some of the sentences he uses.  He is a very fast talker and if he would slow down maybe we all would know what he is saying. :)
This weekend I took some pictures of the temple.  He saw them on the computer and said temple.  I know we sing the song and we have pictures in our home, but I didn't know he knew what the temple was.

He is smart enough to sing the first half of the ABC's but some of the letters are not right :)  One day he will let me record him singing.  He loves row, row, your boat and old McDonald and will start to sing these for no reason.
Drake showing off his dollar dragon hat...I love sales

I must not be great at updating what my kids are doing, because people are still surprised when they see miss Addyson walking.  She has been doing this since 11 months, fully walking all the time around 13.   She is almost as big as Drake.  They both are wearing around 12-18 month clothing.  She is not a talker, Drake was saying all sorts of things by now.  She is more quiet and has a look that could kill...she doesn't get that from me.  She has a mind and a will of her own, in some ways she acts more grown up then her brother.
Addy's is a lamb, and she looks so cute.  You have to put mittens on her to keep her from ripping it off her head.

My kids, they can bring me to tears some days by just looking at them.  How did I get so lucky?  I really need to count my own blessings more often, instead of other peoples.

Watching TV, wearing green, St Patty's day.

Sleeping with his boots on.  He loves his boots.  I often find he put them on himself on the wrong feet. Sometimes it is just his boots and a diaper...I need a picture of that I guess.

Drakes FAVORITE.  He loves the four-wheeler.  Do you like our multi-colored creation?
Kade is handy :)

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