He's Growing Up

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She's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

He is Growing

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Friday, March 29, 2013

Cute Little Boy

Drake has this new thing where he grabs your finger and pulls to try and get you to follow him.  He grabs my hand today, just to lead me to the tub.  I said, you want to take a bath? He immediately started to climb into the tub with his clothes on.  I said, well we have to turn on the water.  He then hits the knob and says "come on, work, come on".  I am unsure of where he hears come on, but he uses it frequently.

Well, he is also a bit of a clean freak.  Not that I am complaining, but he gets upset when he is dirty.  He will whine and say gross or eww.  The other day, I was doing dishes and I tend to leave a puddle by the sink from splashing.  He stepped in this puddle and kept saying "wet, mom wet"!  He was very upset.  He said sock off, wet.  I had to change his socks.  He has also started making me change his socks if they look dirty or dingy on the bottom.  The best fix for this is to just make sure he has shoes on because it becomes monotonous changing his socks 4 times a day.  It isn't just his socks, when he gets his shirt dirty, that happens every time he eats or drinks, he keeps saying eww wet, until I change him, or let him run naked.

Part of me believes all he wants is to be naked  so he can run wild :)  What can I say, I love his cuteness.  And I wouldn't mind a person in my house who is on the cleaner side.

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