He's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

She's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

He is Growing

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Spring Break, Mini Vacation (lots of words)

I want to shout out to my awesome family who watched my kids while my husband and I played a little.  You guys are great, thanks again.  Since our honeymoon three years and 4 months ago, we have not stayed in a hotel since or really taken a vacation at all.  I always feel bad leaving the kids and this was no exception, I am glad it was only a night, for my own sake.  The kids didn't seem to miss their parents at all.  I think Kade and I have traveled 4 times to Utah since being married, our honeymoon, a trip to a wedding, my surprise appendectomy, and this little vacation.  We have so much fun at home, we seldom have a reason to travel.

We also hate traveling because something bad always happens, like car problems.  We were lucky this trip, other then a Jeep moved into our lane while we were trying to pass.  My heart skipped and I thought we for sure were going to have an accident.  We were watched over.

I was excited, we had airline miles to use, so we got a free hotel stay! I wanted to see my bestie Suzi one last time before she had her baby, and maybe take some maternity pictures.  We arrived in Utah and I couldn't get a hold of her.  I called and texted.  I was like, did she forget I was coming?  Then Joe texted me, he said "I saw you called and thought I would let you know we are having a baby."  OH, OKAY!  He said he would let us know when he was born..so Kade and I unexpectedly had a bunch of free time in Utah.  Boring us went to dinner and a movie.  LOL, we went to Utah just for a date.  It was awesome, we went swimming twice, and slept on a super comfy bed.  It was great spending so much time with Kade.

Sunday I met the little Daniel.  He is so sweet and looks like his dad. I wish I could have spent more time with Suzi, but everything worked out as it should.

Congratulations Suzi and Joe, you will be a wonderful parents. Love ya Suzi Q.

I was so happy to have a little time away, I feel great.  But I was homesick for my kids and I am glad we are home.  And an added bonus, we had some people look at the house we are living in while we were gone, so we really cleaned up before we left.  Our house feels so good and looks so good when it is clean :)
going to an IMAX movie

going to meet Daniel

pretty Suzi and Daniel Thomas 

Headed to the Pool

Lots of driving

The rest are from when we got to grandma's house to pick up kids.

Addy lined up the Pooh bears and was hanging out with them.

Drake with the cows

My dad took us out to the cows, he is having lots of calves born right now.  He had a set of twins born that passed away, one was born with only part of a skeleton.  It was only his limbs, hips and the bottom part of his spine that didn't have bone.  He was like a big bunch of fur, pretty sure it was the strangest thing I have ever seen. 

1 comment:

  1. So jealous that you got to see Suzy's baby!! Also Addy is so teeny next to those pooh bears, what a doll :)
