He's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

She's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

He is Growing

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Saturday, April 13, 2013

Floating Along

Nothing exciting or new to post.  I do have some pictures that I wanted to journal.  This week the community is putting on the musical play  The Wizard of Oz.  I wanted to watch it and my niece was one of the chorus members so I was extra excited.  I guess assumed I belonged to a bigger community because I was not impressed by the turnout LOL :)  I was also not impressed by how tiny the school and auditorium was.  I did not attend a large school, but apparently I did and didn't realize it.  Kade kept getting after me because I kept saying, "but in Snake River...."  :)

My someday famous niece, she did so wonderful.  I am a super proud aunt.

This was us before heading out to the play.
 I actually got dressed, my hair looked better in the mirror, mahaha.

On another note, we have not been super busy.  I have been doing classes as usual, and I watch kids twice a week, but nothing new.  I am fine with the monotony because normally when the boat is rocked it is in no way good.  We seem to have a fair share of bad luck...so I am just fine with boring.

Drake lately does this (covers his face) whenever I try to take a picture.

This is Addyson tickling, Ashlynn's feet (a baby I watch).

Here is some pictures of Drake's new obsession with shoes.  He knows if he has shoes on, he might be able to go outside....he loves outside.

Kade may kill me for posting this one. :) Couldn't get him to turn around.

Still shocked that he got the boots on by himself.

If you know Kade, he likes to tinker on things.  He will live in the garage if I let him.  He is always asking me to come and hang out and keep him company.  Since we have been married I have done this a total of 3 times. The last 2 times have been this week.  I normally get so bored, but having the kids out there with us makes it entertaining.

Kade picked up a few fourwheelers for cheap, he is fixing them to sell.  One of them is a small one, Drake is in love.  He will sit on it for hours, no joke.

making motor noises

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