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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

January 2016

How is it already a new year? As always I am waiting for life to slow down but am surprised to find out that it NEVER does.

I was just at a church training meeting and a thought was shared. When we recognize all the good we are doing we often have some destructive thoughts as well. These thoughts often are a list of all the things we haven't done or didn't do as well as we could have. We often tear ourselves down when we do any good instead of being excited for our accomplishments. And it's easy to do because there is always something we can do better, but we need to rejoice in the good things we do too. We are not enough on our own but the atonement is always there to fill us and we are never alone. 


Is the story that was shared. And it touched my heart. 

A weakness of mine is comparison. My awesome friend wrote a blog post yesterday. I so enjoyed it and I thought I to myself that I needed to write one, I'm not nearly as busy as she is. And then came all the things I clearly don't do well as she does and that she is just amazing and I'm not. 

And today as I'm sitting in my meeting I can't help but think of how I'm failing to teach my 3 kids to be reverent in the church. They run and scream down the hall...I miss half of the talking points because I am changing diapers, feeding, or scolding. 

I often am reminded, all day, how I'm not enough. I'm hoping God will continue to have patience with me because I'm learning. 

We all know, even I know, these thoughts are LIES. 

This year I'm REALLY trying to replace any negative thought about myself with this phrase. That isn't true, I am ______,_____,and_______ because our (my) brains need to be re-wired. When we tell ourselves something that isn't true or exaggerated about ourselves negatively it just brings depression and more negativity. We need to correct it, not dwell on it.  It isn't true that I'm failing as a mother, I am kind, creative, and more than enough. 

Soooo the take away. You are awesome and we all need the reminder that God loves us and he intends to have as many of his children saved as possible. Keep doing your best, because it is enough. And you are more than enough. 

Do you have some goals for this year?  

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